Highlander's Rebellious Love

Read Online Highlander's Rebellious Love by Donna Fletcher - Free Book Online

Book: Highlander's Rebellious Love by Donna Fletcher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Fletcher
Tags: Adult, Historical Romance, Highlanders
said, “Come back to my mother’s cottage and rest before we are wed tonight.”
    That brought her head up fast and she glared at him, waiting for him to explain.
    “The cleric completed his task sooner than expected and has just arrived home. He is going to rest for a few hours, and then he will marry us. Today, Patience Macinnes, you become my wife.”

Chapter Seven
    A cloud of haze hung heavy in the stale air, dogs dug for scrapes of rotting food in the smelly rushes, and the tables where covered with the remnants of a meal yet to be cleaned away. Patience could not believe this was where she had gotten wed, but glancing down at her left hand and the gold band that circled her finger proved it was all too true.
    Hunter took her hand in his and tapped her ring, and then the one he wore. “They belonged to my parents. My mother wished us to have them. She loved my da and he loved her. Though he had a mean streak, it was never directed at her. He treated her good, never raised a hand to her, and always protected her. She hopes that by us wearing the rings we will find the love they shared.”
    “Thoughtful of her,” Patience said and realized that the gold bands represented so much more. This had not been just a handfasting that could be dismissed easily. With the cleric performing the ceremony, it meant their vows bound them solidly together for as long as they lived. Sudden realization of what she had done struck her, and her legs turned weak.
    Without thinking, she grabbed Hunter’s arm and felt solid muscle, thick and strong.
    Hunter’s arm coiled around her waist and he eased her to rest against him. He leaned his face down close to hers and whispered, “One breathe at a time, mo chridhe .”
    Patience had not realized that she had been holding her breathe, and she was quick to do as he said and take one breathe at a time.
    “I would like to believe it is this stinking hovel we were married in that upset you so much that it stole your breathe and not that we are husband and wife,” he said, giving her waist a gentle squeeze.
    “A bit of both,” she confessed with a labored whisper.
    He smiled. “You do speak your mind.”
    “I speak the truth.”
    “I can ask for no more.”
    “See that you do not,” she warned, though her tone was tender.
    “I will take only what you wish to give and I believe you are a very giving person.”
    A smile tickled at the corners of her mouth. “Working your charm on me will not get you the results you desire.”
    “But it has... it brought color back to your cheeks and a smile to your face.”
    She did feel much better and she let her smile grow as she said, “Thank you.”
    “Never do you need to thank me, mo chridhe , I am your husband and it is—”
    “Your duty,” she said, wondering why it should disappoint her. After all, they did not love each other. They barely knew each other.
    He stroked her chin and corrected, “My privilege.”
    “Married but minutes and already he seduces you with his lying words,” Rona said with angry belligerence as she approached them. “You will regret the day you agreed to marry him. He will promise you everything and give you nothing and take his pleasure where he will. He ruts like an animal and cares not who he harms.”
    “How would you know he ruts like an animal?” Patience asked, raising her brow and a smile.
    Rona’s anger mounted, flushing her cheeks bright red, and she stumbled over her words. “He is th-the talk of th-the women in the village.”
    “So I married a man that every woman in your village desires.” Patience nodded. “That would make me believe that for so many women to want him, his rutting must be exceptional.”
    Rona looked ready to spew fire from her mouth, and she raised her hand to shake a finger at Patience. “Mark my words, you will be sorry.”
    Patience took a quick step toward her and Rona stumbled. Patience grabbed her arm to stop her from falling, then whispered close for only her

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