High Moor 2: Moonstruck

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Book: High Moor 2: Moonstruck by Graeme Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Graeme Reynolds
Tags: Suspense, Horror, Werewolves, Werewolf, british horror, UK Horror, werewolf horror
    “Simpson’s shrink has been to the courts and requested he be transferred to a secure unit pending assessment. It seems that, in his infinite wisdom, the judge agreed and signed the papers.”
    Olivia’s mouth fell open. “What the fuck? Why are we hearing about this now? We should have been told about this as soon as the hearing was scheduled.”
    Phil’s face twitched. “Yes, we should have, but it seems that we didn’t get the memo.”
    “For fuck’s sake. Those tossers never bother to tell us anything. Can we do anything about it?”
    Phil shook his head. “No. It’s a done deal. They’re moving him next week, on the twelfth, once all the paperwork is sorted out.”
    “At least those secure units are safe. Simpson won’t be going anywhere. The security in those places puts Durham nick to shame.”
    “Yeah, as long as there aren’t any more accidents en−route .”
    Olivia took out her phone to update her calendar and frowned.
    She shook her head. “Oh, nothing, just a funny co−incidence, really. The twelfth is the night of the next full moon.”

    5th December 2008. Dr. Miller’s Office, Newcastle upon Tyne. 16.43.
    Phil pushed the door open with enough force it slammed against the wall. The receptionist raised an eyebrow at his show of aggression, and then turned back to her computer. Phil strode across the room and stood in front of her desk. “I need to see Doctor Miller. It’s urgent.”
    If the woman heard him, she made no sign. Instead, she continued tapping away at the keyboard.
    “Excuse me, my name is Detective Inspector Fletcher, and it’s vital that I speak to Doctor Miller right away.” When the woman still refused to acknowledge his presence, he leaned over the desk and turned off the power to her monitor, noticing that the vital work she’d been doing involved a soon−to−end auction on eBay. For a hat.
    A look of supreme irritation etched itself onto the woman’s face and she glared at Phil. “Do you have an appointment?”
    “No, I don’t. It’s a police matter and it’s urgent. Is he in his office?”
    “He’s with a patient, and when he finishes up here, the office will be closing. If you would like me to make an appointment, then I believe he has a free slot at the back end of next week.”A look of pure evil flashed across the woman’s face.”Or maybe it was the week after.”
    Phil felt an overwhelming urge to reach across the table and slap the old woman. With what felt like a feat of superhuman willpower, he forced himself back under control. He placed both hands on the desk and leaned forward. “Look, I could make life very difficult for you and we could spend the next half an hour arguing about it, at which point I’m pretty sure that your auction will have ended and you’ll need to go and find another disgusting hat instead of working. Or, you could call Doctor Miller, tell him that I’m waiting outside, and then get back to whatever it was you were doing. Your choice.”
    The receptionist’s face twisted and after a moment, she picked up the telephone and rang through to the Doctor’s office. Phil heard it ring several times before it was answered. “Yes, Doctor Miller. There’s a police officer in reception to see you. He says it’s urgent. Yes, of course. I’ll send him right in.”
    Phil smiled at the sour faced woman and strode past her. He knocked twice on the door, and when the Doctor answered, he strode into the office.
    The Doctor’s office was just as Phil had imagined it would be. A large, expensive desk made of dark, polished wood, dominated the room, and rows of bookcases filled with heavy medical volumes lined two of the room’s walls. To the right was another door, marked as the treatment room, while medical certificates adorned the wall behind the desk, along with a framed print of a kitten gripping a branch for dear life, with the caption “Hang in there, Baby!” written across the bottom. Doctor

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