To the Grave

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Book: To the Grave by Carlene Thompson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carlene Thompson
scanner, so they just gave the code for dead body. Was it a man or woman?”
    â€œHow was she killed?”
    â€œShe was shot.”
    â€œDid they find identification?”
    Silence spun out before James said slowly, “No, but it’s Renée.”
    Patrice went still for a moment before she murmured, “Renée?” Then louder, “ Your Renée?”
    â€œHell, no!”
    â€œHell, yes.”
    â€œOh, James, no!”
    â€œDon’t keep wailing. People already think I murdered her. If anyone is around, they’ll think I’m murdering you, too.”
    Patrice pulled her hands from her pockets, raised open palms, and gave him a light thump on the chest. “Don’t even say such a thing!” She huffed in frustration. “How long has the body been here?”
    â€œThe police think maybe a week.”
    â€œA week ?” Patrice looked stunned. “She’s been dead a week? Not months? Not years?”
    â€œDefinitely not years. Or even months.”
    â€œWell then, you’ve made a mistake,” Patrice said definitely. “It can’t be Renée. It’s a homeless woman. Someone saw her wandering around out here, panicked, and shot her. They were too scared to report it to the police, so they hid the body.”
    â€œNo one is living out here now, Patrice. Besides, I saw the body. It was Renée.”
    â€œNo, you didn’t!” Patrice went silent for a moment before asking grudgingly, “Even if it was Renée, why would she be at your family’s cottage?”
    â€œI have no idea. Catherine found her in the cistern.”
    â€œShe was with Marissa, thank God. That big cistern at the end of the cottage is about seven feet deep and nearly full of water from all the rain we’ve had lately. Catherine stepped on the half-rotten lid, which broke. She fell in, and when she surfaced she was holding Renée’s body. She’s not a good swimmer, and between panicking and getting her hand twisted in Renée’s hair I think she would have drowned if Marissa hadn’t been here to help her.”
    Patrice looked appalled. “How horrible! Catherine must have been hysterical.”
    â€œJust the opposite. It was like she just shut down emotionally, but she looked awful.”
    â€œIs she hurt?”
    â€œThe paramedics said that physically she’s fine except for scrapes, bruises, probably strained muscles. Marissa took her home, gave her a tranquilizer, fed her, and sent her to bed.” He sighed. “She just called me. She’s okay for now, but I’m certain she won’t be getting over the shock any time soon.”
    â€œDon’t underestimate her, James. I’ve always believed Catherine is far stronger and more resilient than people think,” Patrice said bracingly. “Why were she and Marissa here?”
    â€œMy parents have told her about the place. Catherine said something about looking at it as a possible site as a house for me.”
    â€œThe cottage ?”
    â€œNo. Mom keeps talking about selling the land to someone who could tear down the cottage and build a nice house. Catherine’s never seen it. Maybe she and Marissa came because it was a pretty day and they were curious about it. I’m just glad Catherine didn’t come out here alone.”
    Patrice pressed her thin, well-shaped lips together as she usually did when she was thinking. After a moment, she demanded irritably, “If the body is Renée’s, where has she been? My God, James, it’s been over a year since she left and then she finally shows up like this ?”
    â€œI’m aware of how long it’s been.” He paused and said dryly, “I’m also certain Renée didn’t intend to show up like this. ”
    Patrice ignored his attempt at gallows humor. “But why is she here?”
    â€œI have no

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