High Moor 2: Moonstruck

Read Online High Moor 2: Moonstruck by Graeme Reynolds - Free Book Online

Book: High Moor 2: Moonstruck by Graeme Reynolds Read Free Book Online
Authors: Graeme Reynolds
Tags: Suspense, Horror, Werewolves, Werewolf, british horror, UK Horror, werewolf horror
looking at?”
    Olivia’s grin turned into a smug smile. “These are the case files from the High Moor beast attacks in 1986. Take a look at the name on the report.”
    Phil flicked through the folder again. “Steven Wilkinson? Our comatose friend in the hospital?”
    “It gets better. Carry on reading.”
    He scanned the papers and flicked past a couple of faded photographs then stopped. “Is this real?”
    “It most certainly is. Sergeant Steven Wilkinson was the officer who saved the life of those boys at the scout camp, including one John Simpson. We’ve been looking for something to tie the two men and I think this qualifies. Not only that, but the boy who later died in hospital was called Michael Williams, brother to David Williams, who was the first victim and…”
    Phil exhaled tiredly and sat back in his chair. “Marie Williams. Our mysterious vanishing witness. Olivia, I could kiss you.”
    She screwed up her face. “I’d rather you didn’t. You haven’t shaved and you have coffee breath. What do you think Wilkinson’s solicitor will make of this?”
    “I’d say the little weasel is going to shit his pants. We’ve got solid evidence linking the suspects and he can’t block the search warrant of Wilkinson’s place anymore, no matter how many friends he has in high places. I’ll give you the pleasure of delivering the message, if you like?”
    “Oh yes. Can I get the little scrotum down here so I can tell him to his face?”
    “I think that under the circumstances, that would be quite appropriate.” He picked up his coffee mug and took a sip, making a face and putting it back on the desk. “I think I’m getting somewhere with our other mystery woman. I’ve been going over the CCTV tapes from the hospital and the court.”
    “Are you still on about this? Phil, there are no shortage of red haired women in High Moor, and even if the same woman was at the hospital and court, it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.”
    “All I know is that I saw that woman when Marie Williams disappeared, and the next time I saw her was at John Simpson’s court hearing. If I hadn’t sent him back to the nick in a squad car, then he’d have died in that wreck with the others.”
    “We’ve been over this. The autopsy on the driver said that it looked like he’d had a heart attack. You’re chasing ghosts, when you should be concentrating on this new evidence.”
    “I appreciate your concern, but you’re wrong. Here, take a look at this from the hospital. She’s being very careful to avoid the cameras, but she gets caught for just a second, right here.”
    He paused the video and expanded the screen until a pixelated image of a woman’s face filled the screen. He dragged the window across onto his second monitor and called up another video file.
    “Again, you can see her entering the building. She’s being careful to avoid the cameras, but she couldn’t get past the one near the metal detector without looking suspicious.” He hit pause and expanded the image. This one was clearer and showed a woman in her mid−thirties or early forties with shoulder length red hair. “That’s the same woman I saw at the hospital. No other cameras get a clear shot of her the entire time she’s in that building, and she leaves just before the end of Simpson’s hearing. She’s got something to do with this, Olivia. I’m sure of it.”
    Olivia sighed. “OK, print that out for me and I’ll make some quiet enquiries at the local hotels and B&B’s. Maybe something will turn up. By the way, did you get anywhere with those bogus police officers?”
    Phil was about to reply when his telephone rang, a look of irritation on his face. “DI Fletcher. This had better be important.” Moments passed, and while she couldn’t hear what was being said on the other end, she could tell by the reddening of Phil’s neck that he didn’t like the message. He slammed the phone down without another word and turned to

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