High Intensity

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Book: High Intensity by Dara Joy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dara Joy
Tags: Romance
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    Psi-cogs? Zanita blinked.
    Mark started to rise out of his seat. "I never touched—"
    "It's okay, Mark. I know you didn't," Todd said, trying to appease his friend.
    "Just because a picture can be tampered with doesn't mean it was, Hubble." Now everyone was talking to the man using his surname.
    "True, true. But in this case—"
    "The picture was not tampered with," Tyber proclaimed, stunning them all. He threw the photo in question on the table. "I can discern no under or overexposure, no double exposure, no light leaks, no reflections, no refractions, and it appears his equipment was not faulty."
    "No, he has the best equipment," Todd agreed.
    Everyone paused for a moment. Todd, realizing what he had said, blushed. "I mean… never mind."
    "So it is genuine!" Zanita brightened at the discovery.
    "As far as I can tell, yes."
    "Which means—" Zanita began.
    "Only one thing," Tyber finished for her.
    "The ghost is real," she whispered.
    Tyber winced. "Well, the other only thing."
    Zanita frowned, looking up at him. "Which is?"
    "That the scene had been purposely staged for the photo to be taken."
    Dead silence followed that remark.
    Tyber had just introduced the possibility of foul play.
    "Bravo, doctor! Bravo." Gramercy Hubble gave them all a look of supreme righteousness, making him appear rather like a grand inquisitor of medieval times who has just proven his point over his tortured victim.
    Zanita kicked her loving husband under the table.
    "What did I do, baby?" he mouthed.
    "Absolutely nothing." She turned away from him.
    Of all the mysteries in the universe, Tyber surmised that women had to be the most complex.
    "There are many ways of seeing ghosts." They had all retired once again to the parlor, replete from Todd's fabulous meal. Apparently the ghost wasn't partial to Nine Pepper Pork. As they left the dining room, Tyber quipped that was a shame since they could surely snag the spook by following the trail of his sneezes.
    Zanita winced. What was she going to do with the rogue? Ghost investigations required a modicum of seriousness. She turned to the Captain, set her sights, and hurled a fulminating glare his way.
    The shot didn't even bounce off the target.
    He simply smiled slowly at her. The Captain always knew exactly what she was thinking! It was uncanny. Tyber's unique color contrast of chestnut/gold hair and light blue eyes rimmed with jet lashes never failed to take her breath away. He is a sexy devil.
    The sensual smile broadened.
    Zanita's lips parted in surprise. She bit her lip and peeked at him again.
    A dimple curved his cheek! Twinkling blue eyes observed from beneath lowered lids; ice blue glittering under long black lashes. She covertly stuck her tongue out at him.
    "It's not uncanny, baby," he bent down to whisper in her ear. "I just know you."
    Zanita's expression squinched up.
    Tyber chuckled. "You almost look like Hambone when you do that."
    Zanita ignored his baiting. Besides being a genius and a rogue, the man was also a premier baiter. And he took so much pleasure in baiting her that she decided she wasn't going to give him the satisfaction of it!
    A low laugh teased her ear.
    She sighed dramatically and brought her attention back to Calendula and Mark.
    Turning in her chair, Calendula continued to respond to the question Zanita had asked regarding the methods of recording and sighting spirits.
    "Nonsense. All of it nonsense," Hubble barked on cue.
    "Mr. Hubble, please." Zanita gave him an annoyed look. The older man flushed and looked away.
    "Please go on, Calendula."
    Calendula smiled at her. "Despite what our esteemed 'psi-cog believes"—she gestured in Hubble's direction—"we are very exacting in our research. For instance, one time Mark and I were on an investigation in England —near the Cotswolds. There are lots of ghosts in England , you know. I think they must prefer the damp climate there… but anyway, a report came into our center about a couple who had been driving

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