
Read Online 159474808X by Ian Doescher - Free Book Online

Book: 159474808X by Ian Doescher Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ian Doescher
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Track’d by the armies of th’Republic here.
I shall, therefore, send all of you unto
The system Mustafar in th’Outer Rim.
A planet of volcanoes ’tis, where ye
May safe remain until the threat hath pass’d.
Safe, ha! Did Palpatine not flee your grasp?
Methinks I’d be a fool to trust these words,
For sans Count Dooku I am fill’d with doubt
At your ability to keep us safe.
O, say not safe, sly General—ne’er safe.
    Enter O BI -W AN K ENOBI above, on balcony, listening.
You, Viceroy, should have gratitude enow
That you’ve not felt the power of my grasp.
Behold, your ship awaiteth at the dock
And flies direct to Mustafar anon.
[Exeunt Nute, Wat, Shu, San, Poggle, and other council members.
I may not have another chance to meet
This Grievous face-to-face; the time is now.
[Obi-Wan leaps from the balcony and lands next to Grievous.
My greetings, General—we meet again.
Ah, General Kenobi, you are bold.
My fearless droids, kill him upon the instant!
[Several MagnaGuards approach Obi-Wan threateningly. He uses the Force to make part of the ceiling collapse onto them, destroying them.
Your bodyguards should guard their bodies, ha!
They are but chaff to me—a Jedi Knight!
All back away, remove yourselves from us:
I shall destroy this Jedi filth myself.
Your move, O, grievous, feeble General.
Those words shall be your last, you noisome fool—
Count Dooku train’d me in the Jedi arts.
[Grievous removes his robe to reveal four arms, each holding a lightsaber.
Lay on, Kenobi, if you’d dare!
[Grievous approaches Obi-Wan while spinning two of his lightsabers, carving grooves in the ground as he does so.
[ Aside: ] What frightful trick of baseborn hell is this?
I see that he hath arm’d himself so well,
Mine only recourse is to take his arms—
One at a time, if ’tis what’s needed. Ho!
[They duel. Obi-Wan strikes one of Grievous’s hands, severing it.
Unhand me, wretch, yet I shall come again!
E’en mightier, and now with hate severe!
You shall be disarm’d ere this fight is through!
[They continue to duel. Obi-Wan severs one of Grievous’s arms.
Two gone, but still the two I have are strong!
    Enter CLONE TROOPERS led by C OMMANDER C ODY , engaging BATTLE DROIDS in combat .
Commander Cody comes in perfect time.
Your warriors may take some lot of mine,
Yet you shall never taste of victory.
Your morsel of success shall turn to doom—
A rotten bit to make your insides rise.
Nay, there you err: the sweetest meats of triumph
Already tease mine hungry, eager lips.
[Obi-Wan uses the Force to push Grievous back against a wall. Grievous’s two remaining lightsabers fall from his hands. Grievous climbs into a nearby wheel bike and begins driving it toward Obi-Wan.
You’ll have an answer for your insolence!
[Grievous rushes past Obi-Wan, barely missing him. Obi-Wan jumps out of the way.
O, Boga, wise and noble Boga, come!
    Enter B OGA .
Braaee! Braaee!
—Good lady, follow him anon!
[Grievous pilots his wheel bike down the levels of the complex, with Obi-Wan and Boga in pursuit. Obi-Wan drops his lightsaber.
Unseemly creature, half droid yet half man!
I’ll follow you forever if I must,
Until I do bring forth your swift demise.
Go, Boga, we shall catch the villain up!
Astride him now, I’ll take his laser spear,
And stop his wheel bike from its forward flow.
[Obi-Wan rides next to Grievous and grasps his spear. Grievous yanks it back and Obi-Wan leaps onto his wheel bike behind him.
[ aside: ] Alack! This Jedi is a wily brute—
Too close to kill sans damaging myself!
Toward the precipice we quickly roll;
Leap now I must, or face a grimmer fate.
[Obi-Wan and Grievous leap from the wheel bike and duel near a cliff.
No lightsaber need I to finish you—
This spear shall serve as instrument enow
To be the end of

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