Hiding From Danger (Danger Incorporated Book 2)
    They were relaxing in the living room, practically the whole family there except for Leann. West knew his parents missed their only daughter but she wasn’t fond of ranch life and the macho alpha males that seemed to populate it. Her last boyfriend had been some sort of artist – complete with a gold stud in his tongue – who liked to recite bad poetry.
    Travis was filling in West’s father on the recent restructuring in one of the business divisions while Brinley, Gigi, and his mother looked through old photo albums. West was pretty sure there were some pictures in there he wouldn’t want a single soul to see but it was too late now. They were obviously enjoying themselves and their walk down the Anderson memory lane.
    Jason nodded toward the kitchen. “Got a minute? I’d like to review the arrangements for tomorrow.”
    With a quick glance in Gigi’s direction, West followed Jason into the other room. Gigi had been worried about getting along with his parents but she appeared to be fitting in just fine.
    West settled into a chair at the kitchen table opposite Jason. “I really appreciate your help with this. I feel better knowing there’s someone besides me watching over Gigi.”
    “Glad to help. Honestly the more I hear about Morton the more I dislike the guy. I talked to a friend at the FBI and he says the guy is ten kinds of dirty right along with his friends. But I can see how Gigi got caught up with him. His file says he’s charming and well-educated. Likes museums, opera, and fine dining. That usually impresses the ladies.”
    “I just hope I get a chance to punch him right in the gut after everything he’s put her through. Are you sure your friend doesn’t have enough to arrest him yet? It would be much simpler if he went to jail.”
    “He’s building his case. That’s something we need to discuss after we find Gigi’s brother and sister. My friend may be able to help with that as well. He’s excellent at delivering messages I’ve found. At six-foot-four and two-hundred and fifty pounds, Faulkner stands out wherever he goes.”
    “Tell him I appreciate his help thus far. As for what to do with Morton my goal is to put the fear of God into him. I want him to know that if he comes within a hundred mile radius of Gigi it will be very bad news for him. Painfully bad.”
    Jason rested his elbows on the table, his lips pursed in thought. “Listen, I know you want to beat on this guy for awhile and I can’t say that I blame you a bit. But…you going to jail isn’t going to keep your woman safe. You need to keep your head on straight and control your temper at all times. I think we can scare Morton off just using the information we already know. He doesn’t want any more attention from government authorities than he has already.”
    The terrified expression Gigi had worn when she told her story still haunted West. That she’d lived with fear that great every day for so long made him want to wrap her in cotton wool and keep her safe for the rest of her life. “When you put it like that I’d settle for one good punch.”
    Jason laughed and shook his head. “Don’t do anything stupid, little brother. Alan Morton is one bad dude who doesn’t give a shit. So what if you put a hurt on him? He’s got a dozen henchmen to come after you and mess up your pretty face. And let’s be honest here, your looks are about all you have going for you.”
    “You’re an asshole, big brother,” West smirked. “You’re just jealous of my brains and talent catching those bad guys.”
    “I think I’ll hobble through life just fine. Now let’s talk about tomorrow. If we get on the road early, before sunrise, it would be best. I’ll be in the lead, you and Gigi in the middle, and Travis bringing up the rear. We need to keep in constant radio contact and stick closely together no matter what.”
    “Travis? I thought Logan was driving in today to do this?”
    “The twins both have the flu,” Jason

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