
Read Online HerVampireLover by Anastasia Maltezos - Free Book Online

Book: HerVampireLover by Anastasia Maltezos Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anastasia Maltezos
Tags: Paranormal, erotic romance, Vampire, reincarnation
sounded strained and hoarse.
    She moaned. My God, she couldn’t get enough of him.
    “Cat. Stop!” He took her by the shoulders and gently pulled her away. “A fledgling vampire’s initial thirst is insatiable, and if I let you, you would drink every last drop in my body.”
    She licked her lips and noticed her incisors had retracted. “Sorry. Did…did I hurt you?”
    Slowly, he smiled. “No.” He rose and took her hand. “And don’t worry about hunting for animals. We only hunt when absolutely necessary. Back home, my kind keeps a freezer full of blood. All we need is an equivalent of a glass a day to survive and we have doctors who supply us.”
    “Vampire doctors?”
    “Yes, and vampires who work in hospitals.” He opened his arms. “Come here.”
    Willingly she went into his embrace and nestled her face in his chest. “Am I really going to live forever?”
    “Won’t you grow tired of me?” She couldn’t believe she’d just asked him that.
    He placed a gentle hand to her chin and raised her face to his. He kissed her tenderly. “We need to leave, Cat.”
    “I’m scared.”
    “I know.”
    She covered her face with her hands. “What have I done?”
    “What you had to do. I owe you my life. Our child owes you its life.” Tenderly, he took her hands and pulled them away from her face. The look he gave her made her limbs melt. “And I love you more because of it. You are a brave woman.”
    Her mind raced as he held her in his strong arms. Hearing him say he loved her comforted her.
    I love you. Three little words that had so much impact.
    Three little words she was beginning to believe she could tell him.

Chapter Eight
    Within the hour, Cat cleaned the living room from the debris the Grangers had caused when they blew down the door and Tobias sealed the door-less entrance by nailing the table top from the inside. Repairing the BMW’s cut wire proved more challenging, but he’d managed to repair that as well. Cat knew she had a lot of explaining to do to Mel and she would, the first chance she gathered her courage.
    After the car was packed, she snapped her seatbelt in place and settled back in her seat, promising herself she’d call Mel once they arrived in New York. The easy part was telling her about the cabin door, her kitchen table, her Hummer, but how was she going to tell her the rest of it? Her immortality? Her pregnancy? Her vampire lover?
    The drive would take the better part of the day, bringing them to Manhattan by nightfall. She leaned back on her headrest and closed her eyes, sighing wearily. Was any of this going to get easier?
    Tobias shot her a quick sideways glance, his expression concerned. “Are you all right?”
    She nodded. “As good as can be expected. I’m just trying to figure out how to tell Mel what happened.” She gave him a quick look and noticed him grip the wheel tighter. “It’s her cabin. I was staying here for a week. She’s my agent and my best friend.”
    “Cat, you can tell her the cabin was robbed while you were out, but you can’t tell her any of the rest. Not to anyone.”
    She frowned. “She won’t say anything. We can trust her.”
    He sighed heavily. “Cat, you don’t understand. You must keep your new life a secret from everyone, for their own safety. The Grangers will assume Mel will eventually turn into one of us and so kill her.”
    Cat gasped.
    “I’m sorry, but it’s true. The Grangers have murdered humans who’ve befriended vampires in the past.”
    “Yes. So unless you want to risk your best friend’s life, she must never know about you. Eventually, you must stop seeing her. I can understand that will take time, but it’s something you must do.”
    “No,” she repeated, her voice quavering. Mel was all she had, more family than a friend. “I won’t do it.”
    “Cat, if you don’t, you’ll be putting her life in danger. I’m sorry.”
    Her stomach dropped. She couldn’t do that. She

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