
Read Online Heritage by Rebecca Walton - Free Book Online

Book: Heritage by Rebecca Walton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rebecca Walton
stretched for miles, it wasn’t where I had planned to land, but it was so beautiful that I could stand there for hours and not get bored. I wonder how big Icarus actually is, it seems to stretch for miles, that’s a lot of space for creatures to live. How is it that so many creatures live here yet I didn’t know it even existed. I must be so out of the loop living with the Bales.
    “Did you see that?” Alex asked pulling at my arm.
    “What?” I asked turning to see what she was looking at, the only thing I could see was the entrance to a heavily wooded forest. There was a path that winded around the trees, maybe it will lead to some civilisation.
    “Nothing, I thought I saw something, but it must be the sun making shadows. It’s so bright here,” She wasn’t wrong there. The sun was ten times brighter than the sun in Gracia never mind Black stoke. Turning back to take one glance at the beautiful sunflower field, I took in a deep breath and filled my lungs with the floral aroma.
    Walking into the forest, the sun disappeared quickly behind the trees and the goldenness of the field disappeared behind masses of shrubbery. The path twisted and winded around the trees, leading us deeper into the darkness. I hope this leads us to the other side and not into a Brothers Grimm story.
    “Defiently saw it that time,” Alex stuttered pointing into the darkest part of the forest.
    “Look there,” She pointed as the trees began to move at a great speed creating a new path. That’s not spooky at all, now what is the best thing to do, carry on down this path which may have been changed so many times it may not lead to anywhere at all. Or follow this new path that has been created by trees that move. Oh the choices. Looking at Alex I knew she wanted to follow the new path, she was always one for taking risks.
    “Death by trees it is then,” I declared walking onto the new path which seemed to be straighter than the last. Promising.
    Not before long the light of day peeped through the break in the trees and the smoke from a chimney floated above the remaining trees. The daylight disappeared in a flash as a great big oak stood tall in front of us. It hadn’t been there two seconds ago, these trees really are fast. With a second to think, a branch came crashing towards my head. Ducking out of the way, another branch crashed into my stomach making me gasp for breath. Within seconds,  Alex landed next to me on the cobbled floor.
    “Ok maybe…” I started interrupted by another branch crashing between us. Rolling out of the way the branch hit the ground where I had been a second before.
    “Death by tree was not… far off,” Alex finished jumping over another branch. What was happening here, why were we being attacked by a huge oak tree, we had only been here a couple of minutes.
    Another thick branch crashed underneath my feet as I jump onto another, the tree was having a fit at me being inside of its leaves. Thrashing to and fro it tried to shake me, holding on was going to be difficult. Grabbing one of its non moving branches, I climbed up to the highest point.
    “Alex the crystals,” I yelled, startling the tree, it shook vigorously, throwing me out of its leaves. Landing on my feet, I caught the last crystal from Alex and placed it on the floor.
    Every one of the six crystals were placed around the tree to create a cage. It thrashed against the electric cage and burnt leaves crumbled to the ground. For a second,  I thought I heard it cry out in agony, but it’s a tree it doesn’t have feelings, but then again they shouldn’t move either.
    “STOP THIS AT ONCE!,” a voice boomed from behind us making the ground beneath us shake.
    “Are you insane? Let this poor creature go, you are hurting her!” He yelled pushing his way through us and taking one of the crystals. He crushed the stone in his hand with ease, turning it into dust.
    “Hurting her? She was attacking us,” Alex yelled.

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