Her Sweet Satisfaction: Billionaire Secrets - Book Two

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Book: Her Sweet Satisfaction: Billionaire Secrets - Book Two by Drew Sinclair Read Free Book Online
Authors: Drew Sinclair
all there were three large mirrors in the bathroom and they gave a full view of every angle her body.
    She closed her eyes and stepped back from her reflection but it was virtually impossible not to see herself.
    "I should get dressed." She mumbled and then turned to leave but something stopped her. Something in her reflection. As much as she didn’t feel like scrutinizing herself in anymore detail something just wasn't right. She approached the mirrors again and looked down to a spot on her lower back, just at the base of her spine. It was tiny, almost invisible but something just wasn't right. She tried looking over her shoulder but the spot was impossible to see without a mirror.
    She went to the switch and turned on every light she could find in the room and then looked again.
    "God damn it, there's something there."
    She began examining the spot with her fingers now but there was nothing to the touch. That or she just couldn't locate the exact spot with her fingers.
    She came more directly into the light and began rubbing the barely visible smudge with her thumbs but nothing seemed to happen. She applied her nails until the skin around the spot reddened but she still couldn't feel anything there.
    But then she noticed it.
    It was one tiny area of numbness, so small that it would go entirely unnoticed unless you were searching directly for it.
    "What the hell is that?"
    She went to the medicine chest and opened it up to see if there was something she could use, like a tweezers or a nail scissors to get this thing off her, but there was nothing.
    She found a magnified mirror and twisted her head to the max to get a view of the tiny patch of discoloration. She pressed her finger to it but nothing happened. Then she held a finger tip above it, barely touching, just barely and when she looked again it was gone.
    "Son of a bitch."
    She held up her finger tip to the light and sure enough, there it was, right there under her nose, the tiniest little dark patch, stuck onto her like a nano-limpet or a second skin.
    "That bastard. No wonder he was able to find me."
    She began looking all over herself frantically for any more nano tracking devices. She had worked on tracking technology herself and on skin adhesive technology but she never seen anything so tiny or so sophisticated.
    "He's  been with me all the time."
    She lightly brushed her fingertip over her other wrist and saw the tiny patch transfer itself there.
    "My God…"
    The realization came over her. It must have been when he had examined her for surveillance technology. He wasn't just looking to make sure she hadn't brought any with her, he wanted to make sure she would be wearing this before she left his home.
    She marched back out to the bedroom but there was no-one was there. She could hear the muffled voices of Clayton and Dale outside in the hallway.
    She pulled on her clothes again and thought about marching out into the hall to confront him in front of his brother but then she stopped.
    "Two can play this game Hargrave and you just met the best player in town."
    She finished dressing and then went to the drapes to draw them back. When she looked outside her breath was taken away by the view. This wasn't the house in Maine. The view outside of snow capped mountains was spectacular and the town far below in the distance looked familiar although she was pretty sure she had never been there.
    When she turned around again Clayton had just entered the room.
    "Nadia, we've got to talk."
    The casual use of her old name had a disquieting effect on her. The memory of what he had needed to do to get her to even say it brought a flush to her face. The memories of all the bad things that had happened to Nadia Komerov darkened her mood.
    "Is this Aspen?" She asked.
    "We needed to get you to a safe place far away from the east coast so we brought you here, to a friend's house."
    Katy sat down, framed by the incredible view behind her.
    "A friend's house? More like a friend's

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