Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt)

Read Online Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt) by Sara Brookes - Free Book Online

Book: Her Master's Collar (On the Hunt) by Sara Brookes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sara Brookes
Tags: Erótica
    She nodded slowly, even though he was wrong. It hadn’t been when she’d gone to her knees. She’d experienced the scintillating rush only he had over her the moment she’d stepped into the conference room back on Earth. No matter how hard she tried, she wouldn’t be able to stay away. Continuing on this way would only further aggravate them both. Negotiation wasn’t a foreign concept, but she wanted to make one thing perfectly clear. “I can’t accept your collar again, Roland. Maybe someday, but for now…”
    He lifted his hands to cradle her face. “I know.” He rose, placing a gentle kiss on each of her cheeks before drawing back the heavy curtain. “One day at a time,” he repeated as he pulled their joined hands into his lap as the opera began.
    Twenty minutes into the first act, with the actors on the stage wrapped around each other in some kind of sensuous dance, he leaned closer. His thumb worked a slow pattern back and forth across her knuckles while his free hand gently stroked her forearm. Despite the fact she was still unsure of their footing, her body had ideas of its own. His pleasing caresses spiked her heart rate, increased her breathing and she didn’t even want to think about the tingling sensation going on between her legs. Her clit and pussy throbbed, aching for what she knew he alone could give her.
    The intoxicating pulse stood as a glaring indicator she needed to stop him in his tracks. “Perhaps you’d be better off putting a lid on this whole thing. Maybe find another girl to charm to her knees when this is all over. Then we can just go our separate ways.”
    “What if I don’t want another one? What if all I want is you?” Crap. He wasn’t going to make this easy. The closer he scooted his chair, the wetter she became. As if to torture her further, his lips skimmed against her cheek. “And you can’t honestly tell me that you don’t want me.”
    “I can and I am.”
    “That has got to be the worst lie I’ve ever heard from those pretty lips. I can feel your pulse.” His fingers grazed over the inside of her wrist. “And this close to you? I can smell the undeniably decadent scent of your cunt. I bet if I touched your clit right now, you’d blow like a rocket.”
    Heat pulsed through her as she dragged in each breath. She struggled to swallow. Her nipples peaked under the bodice of her dress, desperately seeking his touch. She missed his mouth teasing the buds, making her come from the lavish attention as she presented her breasts. Damn. It. All. To. Hell. He was turning her into a pile of goo with his words.
    “It’s just…hot. There are a lot of people in the theater. Has anyone checked the capacity numbers?”
    “The only thing hot, pet, is you.” He leaned over her, his breath warm against her skin as his teeth closed over the exposed skin high on her shoulder. She let out a gasp as desire streaked through her body before the erotic agony of his touch collected between her legs. “Hard to ignore this kind of volatile chemistry, isn’t it? And before you deny it and claim I don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about…” He tugged on her hand, splaying it over the steel heat of his erection so she could feel just how much he wanted her. She didn’t try to pull away, but he tightened his hand over hers anyway.
    He inched closer, his leg pressing against her thigh. “I love having your hands on me. I love touching you. Love to hear the hitch in your breath when I command you to do something.”
    His voice held a dark, deep rumble against her sensitive skin that nearly liquefied every bone in her body. The bulge of his cock shifted, growing harder and lengthening under her palm. Oh Jesus, she was going to combust. She was surprised flames weren’t already turning the curtains behind them to ash. If something didn’t break soon, if he didn’t do something to sate this need she had to have his hard thickness inside her pussy, her hormones were

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