Her Man with Iceberg Eyes
    What would he be like to make love with?
Assertive and demanding, much as he’d been with her today?
Expecting her to fall in with his wishes all the time?
    Or tender and restrained, as she’d seen him
with Lottie?
    A sensualist for sure. His gentlest touch had
lit Kate’s skin with a trail of incandescence. And he’d be
physically impressive. A tall, fit man—used to tramping the
surrounding mountains. The clues she’d gathered through his
clothing screamed lean, strong, hard-muscled, olive-skinned. Her
eyes roved once again to the apex of his thighs. She dragged them
away just as he caught her looking.

    Hot blood rushed up her neck, flooding her
face in a mortified blush. He had to know she’d been inspecting him
right there. Thank heavens he couldn’t be sure what she’d been
thinking. Or did he have a fair idea?
    Sending her a speculative smile, he drew his
knees together and made a great show of spreading one of the paper
napkins over his lap so he could dip the bread cubes with no risk
of dripping oil onto his trousers. He’d hidden her treat.
    Kate bowed her head, refusing to look at him
for long moments. “So you run the vineyard together?” she finally
croaked, desperately trying to cover the moment.
    His smile grew broader. “No. Hamish is the
viticulturist. I just tag along and obey orders.”
    “Rather more than that ,” Diana said.
“He’s a computer man, Kate. Saw the possibilities of the Internet
early on. Set up a provider service and then made his fortune by
selling it to one of the big boys.”
    “And negotiated a seat on their board to keep
life interesting,” Matthew added, reaching out to snare a cube of
    “So you’re not home all that much?”
    “Depends on the attractions here.”
    Kate compressed her lips. That hadn’t exactly
been a helpful reply, and she suspected he knew it.
    “And I’ve set up a publishing company for
some of my photographic projects,” he continued. “Based in New
Zealand, but I sell globally. I travel on Lottie’s behalf, and for
my own work.”
    That still didn’t give Kate a lot to go on.
She wondered what sort of clever questions she’d have to ask to
break through his slick defences. It was a game he excelled at.
    “Shall we eat?” Diana suggested a few minutes
    Grateful for the distraction, Kate rose. And
found Matthew instantly at her side, hand on her upper arm, guiding
her into the dining room. Ready to flinch away at his touch, she
noticed Hamish escorting Diana in the same fashion. So the brothers
were protective men with impeccable manners? She softened a little
and walked with him to the impressive dining table. He’d set four
places at one end, and soft lamplight glowed on the folds of long
linen curtains and polished timber.
    “Girls’ night off,” he said, pulling out a
chair for her. “Hamish and I’ll bring the rest of the food.”
    “You’re having it easy,” Diana teased. “I
happen to know Lottie made the curry, and I suspect this lovely
salad is Kate’s creation.” She cast an approving eye over the big
bowl of crisp vegetables.
    “Yeah, yeah, and you made the pie,” he
agreed. “Okay, I managed the rice. Happy now?” He departed with a
    The men returned carrying a bowl each, and
set them onto heat-absorbing cork mats. Hamish pulled out his chair
and sat.
    Kate smiled to herself as she watched Matthew
take their padded oven gloves out to the kitchen. She hadn’t
expected that glimpse of domesticity. He brought back dishes of
yoghurt, toasted coconut and other condiments. “Dig in,” he said,
handing Kate a big serving spoon.
    “Guest of honour should go first,” she
countered, trying to hand it to Hamish.
    “You’re the visitor,” Hamish returned
cheerfully, already helping himself to rice. “Some for you, hon?”
he asked Diana. She handed her plate across and he piled it up.
    Kate spooned out some curry, wondering how
fiery it would be, and sniffing

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