Her Mad Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 15)

Read Online Her Mad Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 15) by Julia Mills - Free Book Online

Book: Her Mad Dragon (Dragon Guard Series Book 15) by Julia Mills Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Mills
Kyra furrowed her brow just a second before the
tell-tale buzz of mindspeak pricked at Calysta’s senses.
    Trying hard to be happy he was alive and not dwell on the
fact that her mate had chosen to contact the O’Reilly brothers instead of her,
the Priestess snapped when her sister asked, “What did he say to you?”
    “He said nothing to me…O kay ? He chose to call them…O kay ?
I have no clue what is going on. The bastard has blatantly left the little
woman out of his plans as not to worry her or some antiquated bullshit that
I’m sure to turn him into a toad for thinking…O kay ?” She was seething
and pacing with such a fury that sparks were literally bursting from the tips
of her fingers.
    To think that her mate, the one person in all the world who
was supposed to love her unconditionally, understand her better than anyone
else, and always be by her side had snuck out like a thief in the night on a
fool’s errand without even thinking to consult her was absolutely infuriating.
She had half a mind to pack a bag and go back to the coven. “Let the old coot
come home to an empty house and empty bed. Let’s see how he likes it,” she
ranted to herself while continuing to pace and pointedly ignoring the shocked
look on her sister’s face.
    Out the corner of her eye, Calysta saw Kyra sit on the edge
of her seat. It was obvious the younger witch had something important to tell
her but the Priestess’ anger, combined with the pent up worry from the last
three days, was reaching its breaking point. Calysta was thoroughly pissed.
There was no two ways about it and she needed to get it out of her system or
risk doing something incredibly stupid and potentially hazardous.
    Repeating the calming mantra her mother had taught her at a
young age, the Priestess felt like a fledgling still learning to control her
magic but knew it was the only way to control her rage. I ask the wind to
blow away my worries, the water to let my anxieties flow with their tides, the
fire to burn away the anxiety of my heart, and the earth to ground me and keep
me standing when my own strength fails. Thanks be to the Goddess for the gift
of my life and my magic. Thanks be to the Universe for the gift of all that I
am and all that I have.
    On her fifth recitation of the mantra, her magic began to
subside and her anger reduce to a slow simmer. Stopping beside Kyra’s chair,
Calysta tried to smile and asked, “You have news?”
    Looking through her eyelashes while failing miserably to
keep from laughing, Kyra snickered, “Yes, but it’s only gonna make you go all
‘nuclear momma’ on us again.”
    Her daughter always had been able to make a joke out of any
situation. It was both infuriating and exasperating, but also very much needed
in this situation. Calysta tried hard to give her giggling daughter and chuckling
sister the evil eye but failed and actually ended up cracking her first real
smile since she’d awoken to an empty bed seventy-two hours ago. Crossing the
room and sitting on the arm of the couch, the Priestess motioned for her sister
to join her, and once they were all seated together, nodded. “Go ahead and tell
me. It can’t be any worse than what I’ve already imagined.”
    Once again sitting back in her chair, Kyra explained, “Okay,
here’s all I know because Maddox is still unconscious from silver poisoning.”
    Kyra raised her hand as Calysta jumped to her feet and
shouted, “WHAT?” The younger witch quickly added, “Rian has already applied the
drawing poultice you and Kyndel concocted to all his wounds and the old
butthead is healing nicely. So, chill, will ya? At least let me tell you what I
found out.”
    Nodding in pensive agreement, Calysta returned to her seat
and tried to calm down enough to actually hear what her daughter was saying,
finding it amazing that her mate could hold his mental shields even when
    Kyra went on, “Maddox called the guys to come help because
he and Kyran were pinned

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