Her Gift - Bundle Pack

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Book: Her Gift - Bundle Pack by Laurel Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurel Bennett
Tags: Erótica, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Regency, Erotic, Romantic Erotica, Victorian, Lesbian, taboo
was my
    “Why did you come to me?” Charlotte
    “I tried to stay away. I really did.”
His voice grated like gravel, thicker than a swallow could
    “I needed to be certain you were all
right.” He pulled her hand forward and laid it flat over his heart.
“And then I looked into your eyes and it was like I’d found
    “Don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed.
But she didn’t pull her hand back. His heart was beating like mad
beneath her palm.
    “But I needed to tell you. I couldn’t
bed you until I did. Because when I bed you, I’ll be making you a
    “What promise?” she
    “A promise that I’ll love you
    “You killed my husband.” Her heart
filled with gratitude. Gratitude she couldn’t show him. Or could
she? His face grew pale.
    “I know you can’t forgive
    Charlotte laughed, her heart feeling
lighter than it had since the sadistic old bastard’s death.
“Forgive you,” she scoffed. “I want to give you a blasted medal.”
She got up on her knees and lifted her skirts so she could climb
over his lap and rain kisses upon his face. “A medal, damn you,”
she whispered as he kissed him. Tears ran from her eyes. Tears of
joy. The remnants of fear. Hope for a new start. “You didn’t kill
him. He killed himself with his hatred. You just happened to be the
unfortunate person in the room when it happened.” She dropped her
voice to a whisper. “I’m so sorry it had to be you and that you’ve
carried this for so long.”
    “My intentions with you were
honorable, I swear it.” He grabbed her bottom and pulled her closer
to him.
    God, she felt good in his arms. Trent
had never felt quite so lighthearted. He didn’t remember feeling
this lighthearted when he was younger. He couldn’t remember a time
he’d felt this overwhelming sense of peace. He tugged her even
closer. He would draw her into himself, if he could.
    Or onto himself. His cock strained
against his trousers, as though trying to get closer to her on its
own. God, he wanted her. But he hadn’t felt like he could have her,
not until he revealed the truth to her.
    He began to pull the pins from her
hair. “What are you doing?” she gasped.
    “Taking your hair down,” he said,
cupping her face between her hands and tilting his mouth across
hers. He licked across the seam of her lips and she melted for him.
God, she always melted. Despite that arrogant ass of a husband. Or
perhaps because of him. Who knew? But he wouldn’t throw it away.
Not a chance. “Then I’m going to take off all your
    “Why?” she whispered against his lips.
“You’ve yet to fuck me. I have just about given up
    “I’m going to court you, my lady. I’m
going to take you for rides in the park. I’m going to come over and
eat those horrid little sandwiches and drink tea with all your
friends in attendance. I’m going to waltz every waltz with you at
the next ball. I’m going to court you and then I’m going to marry
    Charlotte began to tug at his cravat.
“I’m going to accept your courtship. I’m going to ride with you in
the park. I’m going to feed you little sandwiches, perhaps from
atop my naked body.” He groaned from beneath her as she shoved his
coat from his shoulders, unbuttoned his waistcoat, and bared his
chest with her hands. “I’m going to rub my breasts against your
chest as we waltz. And I’m going to make you so hard you can’t
    “Like now?” he murmured against her
lips. She reached between them after she tugged his shirt over his
head and unlaced his trousers. She pulled his cock out with no
assistance and ran her thumb around the drop of fluid at the tip.
“You will unman me,” he murmured.
    “I will ride you,” she said as she
pulled his cock away from his body and lifted her bottom so that he
pushed against her wetness. “I will ride you until you can’t stand
    Trent lowered his hand

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