Her Gift - Bundle Pack

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Book: Her Gift - Bundle Pack by Laurel Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laurel Bennett
Tags: Erótica, Historical, Literature & Fiction, Regency, Erotic, Romantic Erotica, Victorian, Lesbian, taboo
to where their
bodies were nearly joined and strummed across her clit. She cried
out. “I’m going to take you inside me.”
    Her voice hitched as he probed at her
entrance. “Take me inside you,” he urged. “Let me have you, now
that there’s nothing between us.”
    “Oh, there’s something between us,”
she said as she slowly lowered herself on his cock. He growled into
the side of her neck.
    There was something between them.
There had been since the day he’d met her. “I’ve never done this
before,” she cried as her legs tentatively began to make her rise
and fall on his cock. She took him in shallow plunges, just enough
to wet the head of his cock with her desire.
    “I’m happy to take over, if you
prefer.” He slid lower against the squabs, and she adjusted her
body so that her palms lay flat on his chest. She pushed against
them as she found a rhythm to her short strokes.
    “Let me do this,” she
    She could do it all night, if she
wanted. “You have on too many clothes,” he complained, tugging at
her bodice. But she was laced too tightly. He’d have to move her to
get her clothes off. Thank God for split drawers. He pinched her
nipple through the fabric of her dress. Her eyes closed.
    “Next time,” she breathed. “Next time,
we’ll do this better.”
    Trent doubted it could get any better
than being inside her. But he was willing to try
    She rose and fell on his cock, her
legs growing stronger with each plunge. Trent reached between them
and drew some of her slickened desire forward, and began to rub her
clitoris. Her legs trembled. “I’m going to flip you over,” he
    He spun quickly, dropping her onto her
back in front of him. Her legs rose to circle his waist. He could
take more of her this way. She pulled his head down and breathed
against his lips, “I think you were made for me.”
    She was certainly made for him. He
spread her legs wide, anxious to see her in the dim lights of the
carriage. But it was too dark. “When we get home, I’m going to lick
your pussy until you come on my face.”
    “Promises, promises,” she
    “Witch,” he ground out, as he tilted
her hips so she could take more of him. “I’m going to fuck you all
night long.”
    His cock swelled inside her and he
knew he was about to come. He needed to pull out. But he didn’t
want to. He didn’t ever want to pull out of her. Never. Ever. He
wanted to stay one with her for the rest of his life. He rubbed her
clitoris in smaller circles, and she began to pant beneath him.
“I’m going to come inside you,” he said.
    “Yes,” she cried as her sheath began
to flutter around his cock. He grew harder and longer and she
suddenly grew wetter. The scent of their lovemaking took over the
carriage, and sweat formed on Trent’s lip and slid down the center
of his naked back. She accepted every inch of him, her heels
tapping his buttocks, encouraging him to go deeper. Deeper than
he’d ever been. And deeper within himself at the same time. He gave
her everything he had as he took her lips with his and pumped his
seed deep inside her.
    It was like dying a small death,
giving himself to Charlotte this way. He suddenly felt exposed. And
he liked it. He liked it a lot. “I’m going to come inside you every
time I can. Until I get you with child.”
    Sadness clouded her face. “I’m
    “No,” he said gently as he pulled
himself from her depths and wiped her quickly with his
handkerchief, then cleaned himself off. “He was. He never got any
of his mistresses with child. Ever.”
    “Are you certain?” she asked, her chin
quivering slightly as she sat up and began to right her
    “Positive.” He kissed the tip of her
nose quickly and sat back, drawing her up to rest in the crook of
his arm. “If we never have any children, we’ll find some orphans or
urchins or something. Or we can just grow old looking at each
other.” He laughed. It felt good to

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