Her Doctor Daddy

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Book: Her Doctor Daddy by Shelly Douglas Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelly Douglas
pussy clenched as she closed her eyes. It was the second time that his spanking threat moved her insides that way, but the thought of him actually doing it had her trembling with embarrassment. “Jesus, there are people outside this office. Don’t you care?”
    “Well, someone should have thought of that before she decided to walk to work alone last night,” he said, leading her by the hand back to his desk. Her eyes widened as Dr. Morales pulled out his chair, and all that could be heard was elevator music softly playing over the hospital’s sound system as he deliberately lowered her across his lap.
    Taking his sweet time to place her in a particular position over his sturdy thighs, it became obvious that he wanted to give her an extra moment to think about the spanking she was about to receive. There was something so embarrassing about being disciplined by him, yet she could feel the inside of her belly curl with desire as he placed his large palm on her heinie.
    Oh, my God, this is really happening.
    “Although the morning and evening shifts are busy right now with their patient reports, I think it would be in your best interest to keep quiet while I spank your naughty behind. And you’re absolutely right—we wouldn’t want the secretary sitting at the emergency desk to hear.” He had one strong hand holding her tight around the waist and his other was poised high in the air, ready to strike her wiggling bum.
    “You can’t do this,” she insisted, dangling over his knees, her face radiating with moist heat.
    “Oh, but I can. And you should consider yourself lucky that we’re here in my office. If we were home, your backside would’ve been bare and very sore by now,” he said with a loud smack , his hand impacting hard across the seat of her black polyester pants.
    “Oh, my God. Stop that! Let me up!” she maintained through clenched teeth, her mumbled exclamations following each loud crack as she squirmed over his blue cotton scrub pants.
    “Sorry, but a fair warning was given that there would be consequences for disobeying me, and you might as well get that idea straight through your head right now,” he said in an even tone while applying consecutive hard swats to her tight, round behind.
    Lexi bucked and squealed as she tried to roll off of his lap, but he shifted her over one knee and anchored her with his other strong leg. She never thought his hand would hurt that much right through her pants, but this was obviously not a playful romp.
    It was the real deal.
    “This spanking is not going to end until you settle yourself down,” he assured with two more whacks to her smarting bottom. “When you act like a rebellious teenager, you’ll be punished like one. Are we clear on that?”
    “Yes, sir,” she said, blinking back the tears that were welling in her tired eyes. “I’m sorry I didn’t wait for you.”
    He spoke in a low and gentle voice as he rubbed and affectionately patted her rear end. “I honestly don’t get it. You were frightened out of your mind when that car followed you down the hospital driveway, yet last night you were willing to walk here by yourself. Was that a bratty move on your part, or were you just trying to test me? God knows who could be lurking out there in the dark…”
    Large tears fell freely as she squeezed her eyes shut. “It wasn’t a test, and I’m not trying to be a brat! I just wanted to prove that I’m not helpless and can make it on my own,” she said in between sobs.
    “Come up here,” Dr. Morales whispered, gently sliding Lexi off his lap to scoop her into his tan, muscular arms. “Of course you can make it on your own, but there’s nothing wrong with a little assistance from your friends. And my suggestion is that you get used to my help, or an inflatable inner tube might be necessary for you to sit on at work, young lady. Because the next time you decide to disobey me and put yourself in danger, you’ll be spanked on your bare bottom,”

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