Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss)

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Book: Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss) by Robin Bielman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Bielman
Tags: Romance, romance series, entangled publishing, boyfriend, robin bielman, accident
end of September so Luke could photograph a professional mountain boarder.
    “Sela’s off from her shift in ten, so I’m gonna head out,” Luke said, getting up from the table. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    “I’ve got to see your ugly mug again?”
    “Better get used to it.”
    No doubt. His sister and Luke were head over heels for each other and Shane guessed an engagement wasn’t too far off. He scratched under his shirt collar. A second later Erin Watters, Luke’s younger sister and one of Sela’s best friends, landed in the seat across from him.
    “Kagan just told me,” she said, pulling her brown hair over one shoulder and twisting it.
    Why did women think men could read their minds?
    “Told you what?” He finished off the beer he’d been nursing for the last hour.
    She rolled her eyes. “That you guys are now official.”
    “Now?” That implied they’d been unofficial and he hadn’t been anything with Kagan but friendly.
    “Don’t you read Cascade’s blog?” She let go of her hair. “Anyway, I just met that Brett dude. What’s his deal? He was asking me all sorts of questions about the two of you.”
    “What did you tell him?”
    “Don’t worry. Only good things.” She smiled. “He rubs me the wrong way. He’s nice, but I could tell it was just to get me to talk. When I noticed him eyeing Kagan a little too closely, I might have gone a little overboard on your virtues. Which, let me tell you, wasn’t easy.” She winked. “You better watch your back. I think he wants to be more than Kagan’s friend.”
    “Yeah,” was all Shane could say, since a weird emotion had clogged the back of his throat. When Kagan went back to New York, Brett would be waiting for her. The guy knew a good thing when he found it.
    As if he’d heard Shane’s thoughts, Brett slid off his barstool and walked toward them with a confident stride. It was about damn time he got up and left.
    “Thought I’d come over and say good night. It was nice meeting you, Erin.”
    “You too,” she lied. Shane could always tell when she was full of it. It had driven her crazy when she was younger and he and Luke would call her on her B.S.
    Brett strode away but grabbed Kagan on his way out. The hair on the back of Shane’s neck bristled when Brett left his hand on her arm, and her eyes appeared to soften at whatever he was saying.
    It didn’t matter. What she might still feel for him shouldn’t matter. Shane had promised Kagan a little while. And after that it wouldn’t be long before she was on a plane back to New York.
    But then Brett walked out of the bar and Shane met and held Kagan’s regard, her brilliant green eyes like beacons to something better. Something worth having and keeping.
    He flashed her a friendly closed-mouth smile, retiring his drop-your-panties grin for the next week or two. He wouldn’t cross the line with her, because with the thought that just went through his head, he might not recover when she left.
    “So I know you’re a workaholic, but Tuesday we’re taking a group kayaking out to Sandpiper for some hiking and snorkeling and stuff. You should come,” Erin said.
    “Sounds fun. I’ll check with Kagan.” I’ll check with Kagan? Since when did he hesitate to jump on board with an outdoor excursion? Erin was the Assistant Director of Activities at Cascade Outback Adventure and he often joined in on their day trips. He hadn’t been to the small island off the coast off Cascade in too damn long. And after endless hours on the job these past few months, he craved being outside and using his muscles until they burned.
    “You should surprise her. Girls love to be surprised.”
    “Do they now?” He usually ran with spontaneous, but surprise could work too. He found Kagan again. She was clearing glasses off an empty table. She looked over her shoulder right at him.
    “Yep.” Erin followed his gaze. “Okay, seriously? You guys need to get out of here before

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