Her Accidental Angel

Read Online Her Accidental Angel by Melisse Aires - Free Book Online

Book: Her Accidental Angel by Melisse Aires Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melisse Aires
oath, Rahmiel,” he teased. Rahmiel ignored him.
          “You look tired, Kari. Maybe you should go back to bed for awhile after you eat,”
          Amber said. “I slept some on the way down, but you drove almost the whole way.”
          “We should all get some sleep. Tonight we will need all our energy to hunt the demon,” Rahmiel said. “Are you and the boy going back to the Overland to rest? We will need to meet before sundown.”
          “I don’t want to go back to the Overland. I want to take a walk and look at Earth things,” Auriel said. “I want to be outside.”
          “Yes, I would like that too,” Tehmuel said. “I’ve missed Earth.”
          “My property goes down to a small creek,” Tressa said. “I’ve cleared a small area, big enough for a picnic blanket and a couple of chairs. Sometimes I go down there and fish a little.”
          “Fish?” Tehmuel suddenly sat up straight up in his chair. “I used to love to fish.
          Auriel, come fishing with me. I’ll teach you.” He looked at Tressa with large, imploring eyes. “You have equipment? That we could borrow?”
          “Sure. I expect it’s a little different than what you were used to all those thousands of years ago.”
          “What about your wings?” Amber asked. “Won’t it seem pretty weird to the neighbors if guys with wings are all over the place?”
          Auriel grinned at her, revealing white teeth and deep dimples. “We can phase them out.” He shrugged each shoulder, and his wings vanished.
          She gaped at him in astonishment. “How’d you do that?”
          “Come fishing with us and I’ll try to explain it to you, which will take a long time. It is very complicated.”
          While the four discussed fishing, Rahmiel scooted his chair closer to Kari. “Come with me to my island, Kari. It will be peaceful. We can get to know each other, nap in the warmth.”
          Kari looked around the dining table in shock. A horrendous demon was on the loose, and they were all talking like they were planning vacations. Rahmiel sounded like he was planning a honeymoon.
          “People—did everyone go crazy here? Don’t we need to make plans and stuff? And who did the demon kill last night?” She turned to Amber. “Amber, it could be someone we know.”
          Amber leapt up. “I hadn’t thought of that. Tressa, can I use your computer? I want to see the news.”
          Amber and Kari went to the living room and read the news on the Internet.
          Rahmiel and Auriel followed. Rahmiel was trying to explain a computer to the younger man.
          “There was a couple, found dead in their house. Anorexic. That would be the demon, wouldn’t it?” Amber asked.
          “Do you know them?” Amber asked Kari. “I don’t.”
          Kari shook her head. “They are strangers.”
          “Yes, that is the demon’s work,” Rahmiel said. “And it was a kill of only two, which means he is still weak, which is to our advantage. Better to fight him now than after a thousand kills.”
          “So we will all meet to make the big plan?” Kari asked.
          Rahmiel shrugged and his crystal eyes roved over her face. “With this demon, there is only one plan. We know he’ll be checking your home for you. We’ll wait for him to show up, and fight him.”
          “Wait a minute—I’m bait?” Kari’s irritated expression fled, and her eyes grew wide with fear.
      Chapter Six


       Rahmiel slid an arm around her. “Shush. The binding really did work, and will help keep you safe. I did not lie about that.”
          “Help keep me safe? It’s not a hundred percent?” her voice came out squeaky.
          “Nothing is completely safe, not with an ancient power like this.”
          “I really have to be there?”
          He nodded. “He wants you, to finish the job.”

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