
Read Online Firestorm by Lisa T. Bergren - Free Book Online

Book: Firestorm by Lisa T. Bergren Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa T. Bergren
every time I take the time to see it. It’s as if you could just picture the two plates of the continent colliding and then pushing upward.”
    “They are beautiful,” Reyne said. The men nodded, silent in their agreement. She looked up at Logan and found him staring at her rather than at the mountains. Reyne quickly glanced away,blushing at his open admiration. She was relieved to hear Dirk suggest they head back.
    “Beth will have supper on soon, and I for one don’t want to be late,” he said. Reyne pictured Beth with a wooden spoon, feigning anger over their tardiness.
    “Me neither,” she said with a laugh.
    They moved into single file and were heading down a narrow path over a rock-slide area when Reyne’s mare slipped on the loose shale and stumbled before regaining her footing. Before she knew what was happening, Reyne was out of the saddle and struggling to keep herself from somersaulting down the mountain. She managed to finally stop her descent about forty feet from where she fell.
    “Reyne!” Rachel called. “Are you okay?”
    She shook her head to clear her vision and was about to answer when the crunch of rocks made her aware that someone had come after her. She squinted into the sun and sighed when she made out Logan’s body and face. He knelt beside her, earnestly scanning for injuries.
    Logan took her hand and cradled her face with his hand. “Did you break anything?” he asked worriedly.
    “No,” she said, embarrassed by his attention. “I’m fine. Just a little scraped and bruised.”
    “You’re sure? You’re bleeding all over. No neck or back problems? That was a nasty fall.” He again looked her over like a paramedic on the combat field.
    “Logan, I’m fine. If you’ll just help me up—”
    But before she was to a standing position, Logan had swept her up and was carrying her back to the trail as if she were as light as a feather.
And I’m hardly a feather
, she thought. “Logan! Really, I can walk.”
    “Let me do this, Reyne. I want to get you up to the trail and have another look at you. You may be in shock.”
    “Well, sure,” she allowed. “But I’m aware enough to know that I’m not in mortal danger. Now put me down. I’ll walk the rest of the way.”
    “No chance, Oldre. You’re the accident victim,” he huffed, still moving upward. “I’m the mighty rescuer,” he added. “Don’t ruin my big moment.”
    Reyne smiled in spite of herself and allowed him to carry her the rest of the way in peace. But she avoided meeting Rachel and Dirk’s eyes when they reached the trail.
What has gotten into me
    Logan set her down on the path.
    “Are you okay?” Rachel asked worriedly, rushing over to her side. Logan pressed on her bleeding wounds with a handkerchief.
    “I’m fine, Rachel. I think the only thing that’s really hurt is my pride. I’ve been bucked off a horse, but I’ve never fallen off one.” All of a sudden, she thought of the mare. “How’s Cookie? Is she okay?”
    Dirk nodded slightly. “She’s thrown a shoe, and she’s got a nasty cut on her fetlock, but it’s nothing that won’t heal.” He looked sick to his stomach as he took in Reyne’s injuries. “I’m sorry, Reyne. I was in the lead. I should’ve known better. We should’ve been leading the horses instead of riding. You could have been killed.”
    “Oh, Dirk, it’s okay. I could’ve gotten off Cookie if I’d wanted to. I just thought we’d have no problem. She didn’t slip a bit on the way up. It’s not your fault.”
    Logan knelt and began checking her leg, obviously looking for breaks.
    “Logan!” she said, shooing his hands away. “I’m fine! I told you, I’m all right.”
    He looked at her with mistrust in his eyes. “Are you sure you’re not in shock and just not able to differentiate what’s broken and what’s not?”
    Reyne clenched her lips and stood with some effort. She stepped closer to him, poking him lightly in the chest. “I’ll have you know

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