Hell and Determination

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Book: Hell and Determination by kathleen Davies Read Free Book Online
Authors: kathleen Davies
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                   Brandon loomed over her naked torso his fingers manipulating her throat, why the hell did he not get it over with? Instead of torturing her, his dark eyes displayed a red burning glow, the aroma from his body smelled repulsive her skin crawled as he grabbed the soft tender breast. Her screams wouldn't come to the surface; just an ailing groan and a stricken whining that forced Ben from his well-deserved sleep.
                Jo lay shaking her fist tightly gripping the sheet, perspiration flowed from her brow.
At first glance she appeared to be suffering physical pain then the excruciating sound from her throat brought him to his senses. Conscientiously he gently shook her from the nightmare that put the fear of God into them both.
              Ben lay awake long after he had consoled Jo, his mind toiled with the dark of the night.  Only the Lord was aware of what she had suffered at the hands of that crazy bastard, it was evident from childhood he had a malicious streak, mischievous his Ma used to call it till the years passed then Pa was to blame for all the abuse he had put him through, only when Pa passed away and left the logging
    Business to his sons did Ma realize how controlling her eldest son had become.
          He recalled his last day at the timber yard when Brandon accused him of having an affair with Jo, Giles had been in hearing distance when he stated he had been forced to have the child aborted, because he could never be certain it was his. Jo had been oblivious to the tales that surrounded the men. Sure to God Giles could have defended his sister's honour and what now when they realize she’s gone.
            Jo studied the map that Ben had purchased as they waited in the small dining area for breakfast. Her index finger rendered has a ruler trying to calculate how many miles to the inch.
Ben laughed as she declared it was almost six hundred miles to San Francisco. On studying the map for himself he had to admit her conclusion correct.
“San Francisco sure as nice sounds to it, don’t you think,” Jo asked dreamily.
“If you say so,” Ben smiled tucking into the mixed grill before him.
“Yes I quite fancy San Francisco,” Jo muttered as she dipped the toasted soldier into her egg.
Ben glanced from the table his eyes resting on Jo. “And what do you intend doing for a living.
He enquired.
Jo declared with a deep sigh, “I’m going to find a Job with prospects and work my way up the ladder.”
“You sure said that convincing,” Ben smiled.
“Well I mean it and when I have made my first million dollars, I’m going to pay you back Ben Gibbs for being there when I needed you the most. Do you realize, you’ll always be my hero.”
“I’ll hold you to that,” Ben joked wiping the grease from the corner of his mouth with his napkin, stating it was time to hit the highway.
                    The fatigue Jo felt from the twelve hour journey soon resolved and jubilation swept through her body as Ben paid the four dollar toll has they entered Golden Gate Bridge.
He glanced sideways her sapphire eyes sparkled revealing fine lines of enchantment, he rejoiced noting it was the first time he had ever seen her so full of life, it seemed as though her batteries had been recharged and the past no longer threatened her existence, if only it could stay this way, he prayed turning his gaze back to the road.
“Oh Ben it’s fascinating,” he agreed smiling at her enthusiasm, deep down he knew the city was no place for him.
                    Dense fog suddenly appeared from nowhere as they neared the end of the bridge bringing the traffic to a standstill. “That’s all I need,” Ben grunted his fingers tapping the steering wheel.
Jo felt a chill with the damp atmosphere, though compared to the Rockies it was remarkably mild.

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