
Read Online HeatedMatch by Lynne Silver - Free Book Online

Book: HeatedMatch by Lynne Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Silver
with her missing piece. Separate they existed. Joined together,
their bodies blossomed into one magical being.
    She angled her hips and slid up and down, his shaft pressing
her clit against his muscular abdomen. Her fingernails anchored into his
shoulder blades, giving her the leverage she needed to ride him harder and
faster toward a screaming wave of release. Neither made a sound, save some
harsh panting and gasping as they exploded in and around each other.
    Her second orgasm sent pulsating waves of pleasure to her
clitoris, and allowed her to breathe freely for the first time since she’d met
Adam last night. His breath slowed and his near-painful grip on her waist slackened
to something resembling a caress.
    “Better?” she asked, leaning her sweat-dampened forehead
onto his shower-cooled shoulder. The muscle under his taut skin intrigued her,
so she tested it with a lick then a small bite.
    “We have to stop.”
    “Stop what? This?” She nibbled the skin where his neck met
his shoulder and rubbed her nipples against his pectoral muscles.
    “Yes. If I can’t stay out of you, we’ll prove Shep right.”
    She pulled back to look him the eye. “You really mean it,”
she said quietly.
    He nodded.
    She stood using the sink as an aid to heft her boneless,
satiated body to standing. A quick glance in the mirror showed pink cheeks and
a sparkle in her eyes. She leaned on her hands to examine her glowing face
    Adam’s curse had her looking down over her right hip to see
him still kneeling, his face level with her butt.
    “What? What’s the matter?”
    “Stay like that. Don’t move.”
    His order made no sense until he leapt to his feet in an
agile move and pinned her hips to the sink. His formerly softening cock was now
harder than before and pressed in the cleft of her ass.
    “I have to take you again,” he said in her ear. “I’m sorry.”
    “Don’t apologize,” she said, ending in a gasp as he kicked
her feet apart and slid into her creamy pussy from behind. His hoarse, guttural
tone clicked a switch in her brain that sent sex signals instantly to every
part of her body. Her nipples tightened and a warm rush of liquid spilled from
her womb down her inner thighs. The blood left her fingertips as she squeezed
the back lip of the sink, holding on for dear life as Adam took her hard from
behind. “I need you again too.”
    “It’s good. It’s never been this good.” He spoke to her
through their reflection in the mirror.
    She wished for another mirror behind them to show his tight
buttocks flexing as he pushed into her repeatedly. She leaned farther over the
sink, pushing back to meet his strokes. Her pussy tightened around him,
starting to ripple with another orgasm. He was a match to her kindling, the
only match that had ever worked on her.
    His hands came around to her front, kneading and toying with
her swollen breasts. It was her tipping point.
    “Are you close?” he asked.
    She nodded, unable to speak, only feel.
    “Don’t come yet. Hold it.” His strokes increased, forcing her
to squeeze her eyes closed and hold her breath against orgasm. Every inch of
her screamed with unfulfilled need.
    Why was he torturing her? “Please,” she begged. “I’m close.
I need to come now.”
    His hand lowered to find her clitoris hidden in the neat triangle
of hair and his fingers plucked the swollen nub in time with his strokes.
    She broke apart, shouting her pleasure.
    “I told you to hold it,” he said continuing his near violent
plundering of her body. “Now you’re going to have to take it until I come.”
    “Are…are you close?” She wasn’t sure she could handle this
for much longer. Her body didn’t even feel like her own anymore. It was an
instrument owned and played by Adam.
    “I’m close every time I get near you,” he said in a harsh,
low tone.
    Oh God, his words sent her desire spiraling back up. She
felt the same about him. He heated up her insides and kept

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