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Book: HeatedMatch by Lynne Silver Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lynne Silver
Any thoughts he’d had about the Christenson
kidnapping were on hold while he thought with his dick. Currently there was
only room for Loren and Loren’s body.
    The woman in question appeared in the doorway, pink and soft
from the shower, looking way too delectable.
    “Hi,” she said softly.
    He nodded, not trusting himself to speak, fearing he’d order
her to drop the white towel and come sit on his lap.
    She fiddled with the hemmed corner of the towel covering her
hip. “How long do you think they’ll trap us in here?”
    He shrugged. “They’ve got the evidence they need. They
should let us out soon.”
    “I’m getting sort of hungry. I skipped breakfast and it’s
now past lunchtime.”
    Her words triggered some sort of caveman response in him.
His woman was hungry. Where was a damn spear and wild animal when he needed
them? “I’ll call Shep.” He gestured to the phone on a small table next to the
sofa. As soon as he picked up the handset, Shep’s voice echoed through the
room, leaving no doubt that every word taking place was being monitored. He
assumed Shep never watched the video. That would be too weird. He left that
fun, voyeuristic task for the science types.
    “Food will be delivered shortly. Ask Ms. Stanton if she’s a
vegetarian or has any food allergies.”
    Loren stepped toward the speaker. “No, I like meat.” Then
she blushed as her double entendre registered.
    “Do you?” He smiled wolfishly at her. Just one night with
her, and then he had to give her up forever. He planned to use his time wisely.
“Come here.” He patted his lap. “I’ve got meat for you.”
    * * * * *
    Approximately seventeen hours later, Adam blinked as light
poured in through the now-open door to the hallway.
    His commanding officer stepped fully into the room with a
shit-eating grin on his face.
    Adam shifted the naked, sleeping woman in his arms to hide
her body from public viewing. “Is it over? Am I free to go?”
    Shep nodded. “Take a few minutes to get dressed then please
bring Ms. Stanton to my office.” He swung an appraising glance over their
tangled bodies on the sofa then stepped out, shutting the door behind him.
    “Adam?” Loren wriggled on him, causing his morning hard-on
to thicken. The urge to fuck her was back but it was more manageable this
morning. His body still desperately wanted Loren’s, but he wasn’t going to go
berserk without her.
    “Good morning. Rise and shine, up and at ’em.”
    She sat up, rubbing her eyes and wincing as her muscles
adjusted to a night of hard use. They’d continued screwing like bunnies until
they’d literally passed out with him still thrusting inside her around dawn.
“What time is it?”
    He glanced at the black rubber diver’s watch on his left
wrist. “Around seven. Shep wants you in his office in five minutes.”
    Her arms stretched high above her head, causing her breasts
to lift and squeeze together. “I need breakfast and coffee.” Her head fell back
against the cushions. “Hello?” She waved an arm. “Adam, stop staring at my
breasts. Do you see my clothes anywhere?”
    He surveyed the room and scooped up her blouse and pants,
tossing them at her. “I think your panties are unsalvageable. Sorry.” He tried
and failed to hide a grin.
    “Stop smiling and cover that up.” She pointed at his
ever-hopeful but exhausted erection.
    He slipped into the bathroom and yanked on his clothes. He
shifted over to make room for a now fully clothed Loren who entered to splash
some water on her face and brush her hair with her hands. The scent of the
night’s sexual exertions lingered in the air, permeating their hair and skin.
Would this craving and obsession for her end with time and distance? He didn’t
know, but it was likely he’d strip her and take her against the sink again
unless they went their separate ways in the next few seconds.
    She nodded and followed him out the door and down the
hallway to Commander

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