Heart of a Warrior

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Book: Heart of a Warrior by Theodora Lane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theodora Lane
Tags: paranormal romance
    “I didn’t, and that’s beside the point.”
    “She’s right down the hall. Go to her. After all, she was almost killed tonight.”
    “I’m the last thing she needs. Besides, she’s a virgin.”
    “There has to be a first time.”
    “She’s waiting for someone special.”
    “You’re special, Nic.”
    “Shut up, Cho.”
    “Is your body going to vibrate all night?”
    Nic groaned, stood, and tossed a magazine from the coffee table toward the tree. Half-hearted at best, the attempt landed short. Cho skittered back to the safety of the trunk. He flicked his tongue out as Nic stalked out of the room, down the hall, and into his bedroom. The door shut behind him.
    Even I can see she’s the one.

Chapter Three
    “Hey!” Ivan called to the young man standing on the sidewalk holding the pizza box. "We’re over here, two houses down."
    He came up to the guy, his fingers wrapped around the handle of the sap in his pocket.
    “My last run of the night, and the dispatcher gets the damn address wrong. Stupid dispatch bitch. She never gets the addresses right. This time, I'm going to complain to the manager when I get back and get her fired for sure."
    "Sorry, but it's not her fault. My son gave her the wrong address." Ivan smiled, and the man shrugged.
    Following Ivan down the block, the delivery guy climbed the steps and entered the front door as Ivan held it open.
    “I’ll just get my wallet. How much is the total?”
    “Seventeen eighty-three,” the guy answered.
    Ivan gripped the sap in his pocket. The driver was about eighteen, not bad-looking, but sort of on the small side. He’d be easy to take.
    The guy stepped farther into the hall, and Ivan took the pizza from him. It was a shame to throw it out — they always smelled so good. Remembering the last time he had tried to eat food, the temptation to taste it slipped away. He hated throwing up.
    Ivan put the pizza on the foyer table. When the kid turned, Ivan hit him with the sap, and the guy crumpled to the floor. After scooping him up, he carried him to the basement door under the stairs and down to Annie.
    “He’s not dead, is he?” Her hands twisted the hem of her shirt.
    Ivan laid him down on the couch.
    “No, just knocked out. I thought it would be easier for you this way.” He gave her a smile.
    “Thanks, Ivan.” She stood there peering down at the man. “No killing, please.”
    “No killing. Are you ready?”
    “Can you go first?”
    “Sure, baby. Watch an old pro.” Sitting down next to the man, he turned the guy’s head to the side and exposed his neck. “Now, find the right place.” He bent over and used his tongue to find the pulse. “Extend your teeth and bite.” He opened his mouth, teeth ready, and then bit down. The man made no sound.
    Waves of desire, hunger, and excitement washed over Ivan in the initial rush of blood down his throat. He quieted his mind and listened for the heartbeat. The young man’s pulse was strong and steady, each beat pushing his blood into Ivan’s mouth. Careful not to take too much, he was aware of just how hungry he was and that he’d have to feed soon.
    Annie smelled the blood. The scent filled her nostrils and went straight to her brain. Her vision tightened on the young man as he lay there with Ivan draped over him. She whimpered.
    Metallic. Hot. She wasn’t sure how she could smell hot, but she did. As she passed her tongue over her lips in anticipation, the sharp points of her teeth raked it. She couldn’t remember willing them to lengthen; it had just happened. Like blinking or breathing. Taking a deep breath, she controlled the urge to join Ivan at the man’s neck. Forcing her hands together to keep them still, she stayed rooted to the spot.
    Ivan sat up and licked his blood stained lips. “There, it’s easy.” Standing, he took Annie in his arms, his eyes forcing her to look at him instead of the unconscious man. “I’m going to warn you, Annie. This is a powerful

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