
Read Online Haunted by Stephanie Brother - Free Book Online

Book: Haunted by Stephanie Brother Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Brother
approaching. It flares out and lands in a clearing a hundred yards or so away from the truck. The Park Ranger drives us over to the chopper.
    Twenty-five minutes later, Kim and I are sitting in the Emergency Room at St. Bernard’s Hospital.
    We get treated, and our wounds are dressed. My cracked rib hurts like a son of a bitch. I groan a bit as they wrap some tape around my abdomen.
    Kim grins at me.
    “What’s so fucking funny, huh?” I ask with a grimace.
    “Oh, I’m just thinking of how much fun we are going to have while I ‘nurse’ your poor body back to full health!” she says, with an evil glint in her eye.
    I have to laugh, even though it causes my sides to truly ache.
    She’s lovely to look at, and having her near me calms me.
    I was so happy we had made it out of the mine!
    Brian and I managed to walk to a Ranger tower; after we came out of the shaft, I had realized that I had seen the other end of the mine when Stephanie and I were researching the show. It was one of a series of videos made by tourists visiting the Park before the Landstroud company had fenced it in and put up all those No Trespassing signs.
    We walked up to the Park Ranger and told them what happened. They called the local Sheriff, and he called the State Troopers. Then, we got a helicopter ride to the hospital.
    Once we were at the hospital, the shock of what had happened finally hit me. Two State Troopers and the Park Ranger came by to talk to us about Mr. Mitchum. When they told us they went around to the mouth of the cave, and had found poor Randy, I cried for a long time.
    It was all the stress and emotions from the past week, all coming unbottled.
    Then, they asked Brian and me to go with them, and we did. I was shaking like a leaf the whole time. Luckily, Brian held me tight, and calmed me down.
    I tried to put on a brave face, but I kept thinking of Randy.
    The Sheriff told us that the explosives had been stolen from one of the construction sheds, and the stupid thugs hadn’t realized there were cameras taking their picture.
    The Sheriff knew them from other ‘business’ in which they had engaged, and they were soon rounded up.
    Brian swore out a statement about their assaulting him, and I did one about them taking us to the mine.
    When they were arrested, they told the authorities they were acting on orders from Barry.
    That asshole!
    Now, all of them are looking at some serious time behind bars, because once Brian gets pissed off, you’d better look out.
    Brian and I went back to the hotel, and spent a few days recuperating at the Bridal Suite.
    We called Candice and Stephanie, and then convened a special session for our teams. He called in a couple of favors from his connections in network news and was able to get exclusive coverage to shoot inside the mine.
    We worked like the dickens for another week, and then released our programs at the same time.
    By now, everyone has seen the Special Episode of “Haunted” about the State Park Uranium Mine Scandal, and “The Wilder Thing” has over fifteen million views about the plight of the tribe known as the People at the Indian Wells State Park.
    There had been a little exploratory work there, fifty years ago, when the miners had been looking for gold and silver.
    But, the legends of the glowing hills and ghosts eventually took their toll. The locals told the miners about their ancestors being buried in that area, and they finally took off. The reason was mainly that, after several years, they had not found a single trace of any precious metals.
    And, they were sick a lot of the time. The People spoke of strange lights, and sounds, and the Spirits of the forest. And, maybe they were right, after all. Their own tribe suffered maladies for many years, and until they had access to hospitals, their people were sick a lot of the time. Some died, suddenly wasting away for no apparent reason.
    It took a while for the dots to be connected, especially since most of the

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