Harmony's Healing (Downtown Book 2)

Read Online Harmony's Healing (Downtown Book 2) by T J West - Free Book Online

Book: Harmony's Healing (Downtown Book 2) by T J West Read Free Book Online
Authors: T J West
Tags: Book 2, Downtown Series
Melody wasn’t home. Fridays were her night out and I knew I would not see her until the morning. So it’s just me, my bed and a hot romance novel by Heather Dahlgren , called “Behind the Lens.” I’ve been itching to start reading it. By the middle of this one really sexy scene, I start thinking about getting it on with Danny again. No matter what I do, he’s on my mind. The attraction I have toward him is not something I’m familiar with. I still barely know him, but at the same time I feel that I do. I tear myself away from a very hot scene I’m reading, I put my Kindle down and text Danny.
    “Im not deleting ur #. Im here 2 listen if u want 2 talk” I push send and quickly put my phone down and wait. I’m curled up in bed with a good book next to me and all I’m thinking about is hoping Danny will text me back. I feel so pathetic! It’s a Friday night and I’m alone, in bed - I just said that - hoping that some hot rocker was going to answer me back? What is wrong with me? Ugh, forget the stupid texting - whoa, he just sent a message!
    “Y do u fucking care?”
    I frown upon his reply. Why do I care? I don’t know that answer, but I’ll give him this, “Cuz looks as if u have a lot 2 talk about”
    He immediately messages me back with, “Im drunk”
    Great, now I’m dealing with a drunk Danny. “Good 4 u,” I reply back.
    “Wanna make out again?”
    I burst out laughing. I didn’t expect that sort of response. I smile wide and goofy as I text him. “Like u said, ur drunk”
    “Yeah but i still wanna make out”
    I bite my lip because I want to make out too, but being near a drunk Danny may not be a good idea. “R u alone?”
    “Drunk and alone yep. wanna come over?”
    Oh my, do I want to come over? Do I? My heart starts to pound at the thought of being near him again, especially since he’s been drinking. However, it is a Friday night and I should be out having fun, instead here I am with a book….alone - how many times do I have to repeat myself? I am so going to regret this. “Where r u?”
    No, no, no. Thoughts of us alone at his home is soooo, so wrong! I’m supposed to be pretending I am dating Wayne. “Not the best idea”
    “Why? u said u wanna listen if i wanna talk. i wanna talk”
    Oh, right...right. That’s why I texted him in the first place - to talk. Okay, I can do this. I can go over there in hopes he’ll open up to me about….his shit. I really hope I can help him. “K what is ur addy?”

I HAVEN’T LOOKED AT OR touched that Goddamn letter from my dad yet. I hid it at the bottom of my sock drawer hoping it would just disappear; I don’t want to know what’s inside. Seeing his handwriting on the envelope puts knots in my stomach. I’m not sure if I’ll ever have the strength to read his words.
    The second I left the hotel I went driving up along the coast and ended in Point Loma. I walked around at theOld Point Loma Lighthouse and took a day at being a tourist. I went to the view point that overlooked the lighthouse and gazed at the city before me and wondered how the hell I got here? How is it, after all this time, I was now included in the Montgomery family? He never wanted me then, so why would he fucking care about me at the time of his death? I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs and tell the dead sonofabitch to go to hell - I hope he was rotting and finally getting what he deserved.
    After what must have been hours sitting on a bench, it started to become dark and I looked up to find no one was around me. All the tourists had left. It was becoming foggy and extremely cold, so I upped and left and went to the drugstore to get beer and vodka. I was having a small party of one. The guys wanted me to meet them at Whiskey Flats, but I didn’t have it in me to sit around and talk bullshit or to play pool. I wanted to get drunk by myself and wallow in self pity. Of course the second I got home, the fucking paps were hanging by my building.

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