Half to Death

Read Online Half to Death by Robin Alexander - Free Book Online

Book: Half to Death by Robin Alexander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Alexander
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
I’m on a health kick.” I supposed she did because she’d already plugged two into her mouth before I got to the counter. “You’ve worked for me for two years, haven’t you?”
    She nodded and her ponytail flopped against the back of her neck.
    “You’ve come in anytime I asked, and you always do a great job. I think that deserves a bonus.” I couldn’t help but smile. She’d stopped chewing, and her cheeks were bulging.
    Kaylie swallowed with a gulp. “Thank you!”
    “What are you gonna do with the extra bucks?” I could tell she wanted to ask how much it was going to be but was too polite.
    “I’m saving to buy a car, so the extra money will go into that fund.”
    “Have you factored in insurance?”
    “Yes, ma’am.”
    “How much are you lacking in your fund?”
    “Around two hundred dollars.”
    I knew she’d answered honestly because I’d seen her figures when I touched her the day before. “So five hundred dollars would get the car, insurance, gas, and perhaps an outside mechanic’s opinion that the car is a good buy?”
    Kaylie’s eyes went round behind her sandwich. “Yes, ma’am,” she said slowly.
    “Then surprise, that’s how much your bonus is.” She came around the counter screaming with bits of sandwich flying out of her mouth and jumped on me before I could stop her. My mind went to hers before I could even think to stop it.
    The day was sunny, and I could hear the streamers above my head flapping in the breeze, cheesy eye catchers that used car salesmen circled their lots with to draw attention. The VW Bug had a few scratches and dents, but the upholstery looked good, and besides it was blue, Kaylie’s favorite color. I could hear her praying in my head, Please, God, don’t let anyone buy it before I can. I felt the warmth of the hood when she put her hand on it and spoke. “You’re mine. I’ll be back for you soon.”
    “Are you okay?” She was looking at me, concern etched her brow.
    “I’m fine, got a little choked on a chip during the excitement.” I cleared my throat for effect. “Would you like me to go ahead and pay you today?”
    She looked like she was going to cry. “Yes, ma’am, that would be great.”
    “Then I’ll do it on two conditions.” Her brows rose as she nodded, agreeing to whatever I had to say before it came out of my mouth. “Stop calling me ma’am, it makes me feel old, and promise that you’ll take the car to a mechanic before you hand over the money.”
    “I will. My dad knows someone.” She clapped her hands and squealed.
    “Will your dad go with you to buy the car?”
    “Yes, ma—yes, he will. I have three sisters, and we all have to buy our own first cars. Dad says we’ll take care of them if we have to buy them ourselves. He’s kind of strict about money, but he always goes when one of us picks one and helps with the buying.”
    She looked like she was going to hug me again, and I slipped off the stool and grabbed my sandwich. “I’m gonna go back to my office and make out the check.”
    “Okay,” she said with a beaming smile. “Thank you so much, Sloan.”
    Maybe she couldn’t sit still or she was determined to show her appreciation, but that child had scrubbed half the windows in the store until they were crystal clear by the time I returned. “I need to go back to the house, so I’m leaving the check right here on the counter,” I called out to her. “Put it in your purse as soon as you can. The windows look great, thanks.”
    I was happy to share in her joy and receive her hugs, but I felt wrong for allowing her to touch me without knowing what I could do. Besides, Miranda and I had already used her as an experiment, and I felt guilty enough about that.
    I flopped back down on the couch and surfed the channels looking for something to get into. My phone rang a few minutes into a Lifetime movie. I grabbed it up, expecting it to be Miranda, but I didn’t recognize the number. Prepared to tongue lash a phone

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