Gump & Co.

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Book: Gump & Co. by Winston Groom Read Free Book Online
Authors: Winston Groom
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    ‘Say,’ he says, ‘was you involved in that disturbance in Atlanta last night? It looked like some kind of riot was goin on.’
    ‘Well, not exactly,’ I says, which I guess was sort of a lie, but I just didn’t want to get into all that right now.
    ‘Where you headed?’ Mister McGivver ast.
    ‘I dunno,’ I said. ‘I gotta go someplace an get me a job.’
    ‘What line of work are you in, Gump?’ he says.
    ‘Oh,’ I says, ‘I guess you could say I done a lot of things. Right now I just gotta get back on my feet.’
    ‘Well, why don’t you come work for me awhile? There’s a lot to do around the farm.’
    So that’s what I did.

Chapter Four
    NEXT YEAR OR two, I learned more about hog farmin than anybody got a need or even a right to know.
    They was all sorts of hogs Mister McGivver kept: big ole Poland Chinas an registered Hampshires, Mangalitzas, Durocs, Berkshires, Tamworths, an Cheshires. He even had a few merino sheep, which was sort of funny lookin, but Mister McGivver said he had em cause they was ‘nicer to look at.’
    My job, I figgered out pretty soon, was to do just about everthin. I slopped the hogs in the mornin an afternoon. Then I’d go around with a shovel an try an get up as much of the pig shit as possible, which Mister McGivver would sell to crop farmers for manure. I fixed fences an tried to keep the barn cleaned. Every month or so I’d load up the truck with whatever pigs Mister McGivver wanted to sell, an take them to market up at Wheeling or wherever.
    One time I’m comin back from a trip to pig auction, when a great idea come over me. I am drivin on the outskirts of this big ole army base, when it occur to me that they is wastin a lot of food that might be useful. I mean, when I was in the army a long time ago, I spent a lot of time on KP, account of I was always in hot water. An one of the things I remembered was that there was a lot of food an stuff that just got thowed out in the garbage from the mess halls, an it suddenly occurs to me that maybe we can use this food to slop the hogs. This is on account of hog food is expensive, an MisterMcGivver say this is the main reason he cannot expand the pig farmin as fast as he wants. An so I stopped by the headquarters an ast to see whoever was in charge. They shown me into a little office, an lo an behole, there is this big ole black feller settin behind a desk, an when he turned around, it was Sergeant Kranz, from my ole company back in Vietnam. He took one look at me an liked to jumped out of his skin!
    ‘Great godamighty! Is that
Gump? What in hell are you doin here?’
    When I tole him, he bust out laughin till he liked to split his pants.
    ‘Pig farmer! Why, hell, Gump, with your record – Congressional Medal of Honor an all – you ought to be a general by now – or at least a sergeant major, like me! Mess hall leftovers for pigs, why – well, why not? Hell, Gump, you go see the mess hall first sergeant. Tell him I said to give you all the garbage you want.’ We talked about some of the ole times back in the war – about Bubba an Lieutenant Dan an some of the other fellers. I tole him about the Ping-Pong stuff in China an gettin involved with the NASA people an startin up the srimp bidness an playin football for the New Orleans Saints. He say that all sounds pretty peculiar, but what the hell, to each his own. For him, he says, he is a ‘thirty-year’ man in the army, after which he is gonna retire an open a saloon that won’t allow any civilians in, whatsoever, includin presidents of the United States. Finally Sergeant Kranz clapped me on the back an sent me on my way, an when I got back to the farm with a load of garbage for the hogs, Mister McGivver was beside himsef.
    ‘Goddamn, Gump,’ he shouts. ‘This is the most brilliant idea I’ve ever heard of! Why didn’t I think of it myself! With all this slop from the army, we can double – hell, quadruple our operation in a matter of

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