Guilty Pleasures: A Collection

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Book: Guilty Pleasures: A Collection by Janelle Denison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Denison
Tags: sexy, Contemporary Romance
gaze to his. “Is that what she’s into?”
    “Seems to be.” He spread his arms out wide, indicating his casual, every day attire. “Besides, it wouldn’t hurt to give my current wardrobe an overhaul so I look more presentable for the party, like trading in my jeans for a pair of nice slacks or khaki’s, and my cotton tee’s for some dress shirts and ties. And my hair could definitely use a trim.”
    When she didn’t reply, he stretched his arm along the back of the couch and brushed back the hair that had fallen over her shoulder, loving the way those soft strands wrapped themselves around his long fingers, ensnaring him in more ways than one. His knuckles grazed the side of her neck, and he felt her shiver from his touch.
    Something was very wrong. He didn’t know exactly what, but he could
her subtle withdrawal. More than she’d ever displayed with him before, and he got the distinct feeling that her emotional retreat ran deeper than just the issue of him not telling her about this “other woman” before today. There was more going on in that beautiful head of hers, he was sure.
    He squeezed her shoulder affectionately. “Are you okay, Alyssa?”
    As if realizing how silent and pensive she’d become, she shook off her mood. “Of course. I’m fine. Just great.” Her voice rang with false, unconvincing certainty, and did nothing to reassure him. “This just seems so sudden, that’s all. But of course I’ll help you out. We could even go shopping for new clothes today and hit some really good after Christmas sales, and I’ll see if my hair dresser can fit you in for an appointment for a cut and trim sometime tomorrow.”
    “That would be perfect.” He smiled, relieved to have finally gained her cooperation, because convincing her to help him had been iffy there for a while. “Consider me yours for the next two days.”
    She shoved the last bite of Danish into her mouth, and a large crumble fell on to her t-shirt, coming to rest right on the upper swell of her breast. She seemed completely unaware of the mess she’d made, until he reached over and picked up the morsel for himself. He deliberately let his touch linger on the soft, voluptuous curve of her breast a bit longer than was
, and his fingers lightly grazed the nipple that had automatically tightened from that forbidden caress.
    Her eyes grew round at the intimate contact, her sweet, moist lips parted, and she sucked in a startled breath.
    Pleased and fascinated that he’d gotten such a promising response out of Alyssa, he popped the piece of Danish into his mouth and winked at her. “Ummm, good stuff,” he murmured huskily—and could have been referring to the pastry, or the way her soft breast had felt against his fingers. Like pure, unadulterated heaven.
    What had just transpired between them could have been construed as innocent fun—he’d certainly touched her before in playful situations—but much to Shane’s own surprise he watched her cheeks flush and her eyes darken with
. His own body responded with a jolt of sizzling awareness. Time seemed to stand still as he slowly dropped his gaze to her lush, kissable mouth, and thought of all the erotic pleasure to be had between those soft, tempting lips.
    Abruptly, she stood, shattering the intimate moment and leaving him to wonder if he’d just imagined the liquid heat in her gaze, the wanting . . .
    But then she turned around to face him, and he saw the residual longing still remaining in her eyes and the pulse beating wildly at the base of her throat, and knew what he’d seen and felt between them had been
    And it was just as obvious to him that she wanted to pretend like it never happened.
    Self-consciously, she tugged at the hem of her pajama top, which only served to stretch the cotton fabric tighter over her peaked nipples—which he was sure she hadn’t meant to do. Then she shifted anxiously on her feet, her gaze darting from him, to

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