Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)

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Book: Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1) by Lee Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Cooper
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going to happen.”
      “I know May, I know. Look it’s happened now, so give me a break would you. My body’s in agony.”
      “Oh Joe, what an idiot! You need to get some ice on those eyes, right now.”
    Storming to the kitchen for some ice, as I glanced into the big, rectangular mirror over the mantelpiece. Her comment about world war three was bang-on and I was now dreading seeing the kids.
      “Here, lie down on the sofa and stick this over your eyes, let the ice do the work.”
      I lay down and covered my eyes, realising this was the perfect opportunity to lie about the fake job, as I wouldn’t have to actually look her in the eye.
      “Got some good news for you. I managed to find a wee bit of weekend work next Saturday, down in Dundee.”
      “Weekend work? What is it?” She asked.
      “It’s a security job for a couple of days. Paying four hundred, cash. Met a guy at the gym who needs some help. It’s a small weekend music festival, or some shit like that.”
       “Least you’ve got good news to go with those eyes. This a one-off, or you getting more work?”
      “Oh aye, if things go well down there, I should do.”
      “Has Tim got anything to do with this?”
      “Aye, he works for ‘em as well.”
      “Is that his full-time job?” May asked.
      “No, it’s just something he does now and again to help out. They like hiring guys like us, in case there’s any trouble around the beer-tents and that.” The lies seemed to flow like an everyday event.
      “Let’s hope you don’t come home with any more black eyes, then.” She said sarcastically.
      “Well, I hope no’.” Thinking I’ll probably come home with at least one damaged body part.
      “That’s really good news for us. You fancy a bath?” She asked.
      “Aye great, thanks.” This is going better than I imagined.                                   
      In my mind, there was no other choice but to take this professional fight. My father lied to my mam about anything and everything for years, ending badly for everyone concerned. 
      May never mentioned anything about the job she was chatting about on the phone, so I reckoned she was happy for the time being.
      I really worried about what the kids would think of my eyes. Knowing from my own past, seeing my father come home bloodied and bruised all the time, it didn't paint a pretty picture.
      I had to weigh up my options though, it was the desperate need for money, or risk getting thrown out of our home, or bankrupt. Just had to get through this at the moment, not able to see any other way. I wasn’t going to lie to the kids. I’ll just tell them the truth about my black eyes.

Chapter 13
    Old Man:
      Rising the next morning, my body felt the age of eighty. Limping around the house like John Wayne. My ribs aching and face in agony. During the night, my eyes picked up some unwanted colours.
      The usual routine of waking fifteen minutes before the kids, starting on the porridge, the breakfast of champions, served every day. Usually with added extras like blueberries, strawberries, jam or honey, but we couldn’t afford that kind of luxury, now replacing that with sugar.
      Once the oatmeal was cooking, I would turn the lights on in the kid’s rooms, this usually woke them, but I would leave May to sleep through the early morning.
      First to come down stairs was Junior. Having my back to him as he entered the kitchen, stirring the porridge trying to keep the lumps out. Still in his PJs, he sat at the table, rubbing the sleep out his eye.
      Laying his plate in front of him, I waited for him to point out the obvious. Peering out his sleepy eyes, just away to say thanks when he noticed. “Uuuhh, Dad, what happened to your eyes?” His voice whined, thinking it was cool to have black eyes. You know kids, we all liked to think our Dads were the toughest guys around and in my case as a child, it was very true.

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