Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1)

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Book: Granite Grit (Fighting's in the Blood #1) by Lee Cooper Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lee Cooper
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flawlessly darkened skin. My body was in agony, but I forgot all about the pain soon as she was in my arms. The simple touch of her skin was enough to make me quiver. I flung her onto the kitchen table, we made love like teenagers, and left drenched in sweat.
      She never did eat her porridge that morning.

Chapter 14
    The Training:
      When I woke up later on the sofa, May had already left for work. Making the most of an empty house four hours a day, I used the time to train in my garage in the lead up to my pro-boxing debut.
      Our garage housed my own gym, which was converted a few years back. A big, heavy bag hung in the centre, a rack of dumbbells in the corner and a speedball.
      I had the other equipment, a weight-bench, a big rectangle mat, skipping-ropes and a few medicine-balls. The walls were covered in boxing posters of Ricky Hatton, Tyson, Ali, and a bunch of others. Trophies, medals and pictures of my past hung on the walls. None of my Father but there was a few of Mom. It was good to know she watched over me
      It was my church, my place to fuck off to from the stress of life, and take my frustration out on the weights and bag.
      AC/DC often blasted out the speakers, or anything that would give me motivation to train and get me in the mood.
      Starting my workout with a customary ten minutes of skipping, moving to the heavy bag for around six to ten three minute rounds depending on how much energy I had, with a thirty second break between rounds. Spent a good ten minutes on the speedball, before doing some weight work. That was the routine for three days and the other two weekdays would be sit- ups and stomach work along with cardiovascular circuits. Road work was done at the weekend.
      This was my plan for the next couple of weeks until the big debut. It didn’t matter how much pain I suffered, just had to train and it was a lot harder at the age of thirty-two, compared to when I was a young pup.
      The one problem though with all the training, was food. Not being flush with cash, I just had to eat whatever I could. I would love to be eating steak and chicken, just couldn’t afford it.
      Attending boxing on the Tuesday and Thursday, I never sparred again over the next ten days. They probably took pity on me and besides, my ribs were killing me and my eyes needed to heal. Wincing in pain a lot over the next week. It wasn’t nice. I hoped it would clear up by the time the fight came round.
    I also spent a lot of time worrying about getting injured in this fight, or something terrible happening. What would May think about it? She wouldn’t be happy once she found out I'd been lying to her. I say once, because lies always filter out in the end. Losing the fight wasn't an option. I needed the money, we needed the money.

Chapter 15
    The Hard Truth:
      The days ticked away until finally Saturday, the day of the fight, arrived. I agreed with Tim the fabricated story that would get me out of the house and into the ring without suspicion. Both of us working security at a music festival in the Dundee area for the Saturday night and most of Sunday. We would leave early on the Saturday, returning late home the next day. May thinks it’s a two-day event, justifying the £400. She didn’t have an inkling what amount of pay security guards got, but it damn sure wasn’t 400 quid for a weekend’s graft.
      All that had to be done was fight, win and take home the money.
      That morning I got up earlier than the household. I didn’t feel the need to speak to them before leaving. The alarm sounded at 6.30am, I switched it off as quickly as possible so it wouldn’t disturb May. Raising slyly and putting my clothes on, I sneaked out the room. Before closing the bedroom door, I glanced round at May. Stunning even when sleeping, looking at her bulb-shaped nose and the beauty spots on her cheek. I couldn’t imagine a life without her, which made the stab of guilt even worse. 

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