Goddess of the Moon (Young Ancients: Tiera)

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Book: Goddess of the Moon (Young Ancients: Tiera) by P. S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. S. Power
but Sam explained to the kids how to use it too, instead of claiming
they were too young, and soon they were all using them pretty well. They
weren't hard to use, you just had to know what you were doing first. Most
weapons were easier, since all you had to really do was aim them correctly.
a bit, Farlo turned her weapon on Tiera and hit her with first a tiny little
flick of pulsed energy, then a solid beam of it, that got harder until her
shield turned on.
see. So it can pass the shield, at least at low levels? Tiera was that enough
to do anything to you?" She seemed interested, rather than anything else,
which was decent of her, since they didn't always get along perfectly.
don't know. Try aiming for my eyes." They needed to know after all. A
second later she had her answer.
All right, that hurts. I don't think it would keep me from fighting, but
it would be hard to run straight into that either. Not that I couldn't just
turn my shield on manually, but people forget that."
who'd been standing back, very quietly the whole time, after his little event
earlier, bit his upper lip. Finally he looked around and walked over to her,
acting as if she was scary or something. It wasn't her new growth, she didn't
think, because Havar was about as tall as she was.
can I get one of these?"
nearly just nodded, but then remembered what she'd told the others.
Baron Havar's discretion only. If he decides you check out on it, and can
handle it, then yes. The rest of your group too."
actually got the large man to glare at her. "We're inside Noram right now.
It's illegal for commoners to have battlefield weapons."
got Guide to clear his throat, which earned him an immediate glare from the big
if the Builder that made them gives them away. Then it's legal. That isn't too
fine a point either. They can also have them if they're part of a military. Or,
I guess at least, if they become guardsmen somewhere. At least in their own
areas. I don't really know on that one though. It seems right."
looked ready to snap at the much younger man, but stopped and then looked at
you giving them to my section here then?" It was a bit sly suddenly,
as if he was almost certain he might have figured out a way to get gear for
looked away, and shook his head.
can't. They aren't mine, clearly. These feel like..." He held it in his
hand, opened his mouth to speak then frowned and looked at her. He did this
twice more and finally stared. "Countess Baker. These feel like her
got her a round of hard looks, that weren't so much mean as unbelieving. One by
one the others all checked the fields again and Farlo came up to her and actually
touched her arm.
it. It really does." She faked a little humph, but it was drowned
out by Ali running over to her.
goodie! I knew you could do it. Builder Tiera!" That got another round of
everyone saying it, including some of the kids. Terry looked at her hopefully
waved at him. "You heard me before, you can have one, if Havar
says. More to the point, you can have one to try and make copies of. Havar
still controls them though, even if you all learn how to do it. No
seemed to her like it might make her little brother mad, but he just nodded.
can do that. Do we need them for our County forces too?"
got her to blink and remember that he was, actually, correct in saying it that
way. As Countier Second, if it were any kind of normal situation, he'd probably
have an actual job with her government at the very least. Or would when he was
an adult.
tilted her head and smiled at him. He was, like all her family, good looking,
but he was also so very serious now. Like a miniature adult nearly. Then, all
of these kids were, weren't they? Her own tiny brother had fought an adult man
earlier, and could have killed him, if he'd wanted to. It was something like
what she would have

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