Goddess of the Moon (Young Ancients: Tiera)

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Book: Goddess of the Moon (Young Ancients: Tiera) by P. S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P. S. Power
done. Or Tor.
out, she touched his field and managed to not recoil in shock at what she'd
found there. He'd been checked before and was found normal, but now he was
immortal. She understood what had happened, she thought, and could feel the
work that had been done. It felt like Timon at least, rather than Tor. He'd
changed the boy in front of her, from what he was, into one of them.
a good idea, since it didn't seem to be killing the kid. He really was sweet
and kind hearted, as well as brave. Better than she was at any rate. Or Timon.
If they had to have an immortal around, that was the kind of person they
We'll work on that. Sam, will you help get Terry and the rest of these kids up
to speed on that. Havar too." She added that last bit as a goad, since the
man had no particular magical skill, but he just sighed at her.
the children at least, if they have the talent? Anyone with eyes can see that
we're moving into a world filled with magic. Soon those that can't provide for
themselves that way will be at the power of those that can. I'd want them all
to have it, if possible." Those words got stares, if only from Sam and
boys, actually all of them, had been very carefully taking weapons from the
canvas bag and handing them around, as if they were already allowed to have
them. They all vanished into pockets and in at least one case, she was almost
certain to a secret inside pouch that one of the kids had made into his magical
didn't demand them back, since that would cause problems.
    "Remember, only if Havar says you can keep them, and they're only for
hurting and killing bad people. Real ones, not just anyone that annoys you, or
makes you feel scared. You all have to promise that."
waited but actually got a chorus of "I promise" from the collective
group. Sam held one up too. He looked hopeful.
waved at him and then winked, trying to make it seem like she wasn't an evil
Doretta anymore.
    " You have school rules. I mean, yes, you can all have one, but I think that Kolb has
to hold them for you." At least if they didn't just make their own copies
and keep them in secret, which was what she was planning to do, if it came up.
No one even bothered trying to take things away from the builder that made
them. Not for real. A token gesture might be made, but other than that, it
wasn't a real thing.
everyone there over the age of eleven knew.
clapped and then thought about what would be needed.
right, we still have about an hour. I say we go shopping and take some extra
food with us. Otherwise we might strain the ship's stores that way, which isn't
good form. I'll pay, but we need to hurry." It was a trip back to her room
then and a fast rush at the town to get things. What they got was cheese, and a
collection of spices, since the new food units made flour, sugar, apples, and
beef steak. It was a good enough start, but really, they would have been better
if they made more things, including complete dishes. She stopped for a second,
but managed to fly on fast enough that no one noticed really.
were already landing at the Space Training Center. Guide had taken care of
transporting the goods for them, having made up some magical boxes that
appeared from nowhere and would follow you wherever you went. They were copies
of Tor's work, but no one called him on it. Her brother never would have, so
why should anyone else?
idea was a good enough one though. The hard work of the food fields, was
learning how to tear apart solid materials, use their essential energy and then
reconstruct food items, water or air with them. Timon had already done that
part. All she'd need to do was change it a bit, so that the items would come
out on demand. The ones she wanted that was. There couldn't be that big of a
difference between making raw flour and making a whole, and decorated cake, for
instance. Or between beef steak,

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