Glasgow Grace

Read Online Glasgow Grace by Marion Ueckermann - Free Book Online

Book: Glasgow Grace by Marion Ueckermann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marion Ueckermann
Tags: Christian fiction
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serve?” Mary asked.
    “Famished.” Skye and Callum’s replies were echoed by Tavish’s “Starvin’.”
    “Callum, show Skye tae hur seat.” Mary turned and pointed at her husband and younger son. “The perr oh yi, cum help wae the carryin’.”
    Skye stepped forward. “Can I help?”
    “Och, noo. Sit yirself down.”
    Skye followed Callum. How genuine had Mary McGuire’s warm greeting really been? If she were Callum’s mother, she’d be worried. Mary wouldn’t want to nurse Callum’s broken heart again. Much as Skye didn’t want to hurt him for a second time, she couldn’t guarantee that wouldn’t happen. Having both Callum and her career seemed impossible. But, she had a few months to figure it out…if he was willing to take a chance.
    Callum pulled out a chair for Skye and pushed it back in as she sat. What a gentleman. Not that he hadn’t always been thoughtful, even though a little rough around the edges in his youth. He’d smoothed out somewhat. If only Mother could see him now. But really, now she knew of her mother’s probable treachery, she wasn’t sure she’d share Callum’s return into her life.
    “Can I get you a drink?” He placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch light.
    She looked up at him. “A glass of water for now. Thank you.”
    “Are you all right?”
    “My throat’s dry, that’s all.”
    “You sound a little hoarse. How’s that cough?”
    Not really healing as she’d hoped. The hoarseness, sore throat, and coughing spasms hadn’t eased. But with a lot of water, prayer, and a bit of luck, she’d keep that fact hidden tonight. “I’m fine.”
    Callum’s expression questioned her answer.
    “Really, Callum. There’s no need to be concerned.”
    His face lightened. “Good, because I still want to have a snowball fight with you later.”
    Skye laughed. She remembered well the wars they’d had in their younger days. Afterward, they would drag themselves into McGuire’s to dry off beside the fire as Mary McGuire made hot cocoa to warm them up. “I’m not sure that’s a good idea.” She’d have to watch her back.
    Callum strolled across to the bar.
    Skye touched the ribbons on the center wreath. Hunter and McGuire tartan. Her mouth lifted at the corners. How thoughtful.
    Callum returned with a bottle of water and a soft drink.
    “The wreath is beautiful. How did you manage—”
    “I have a good relationship with the florist.” His dark gaze bored into hers.
    “Still, I’m not sure florists willy-nilly keep ribbons of both our families’ tartans.”
    Opening Skye’s bottled water, Callum filled her glass. “She’s a really good florist.”
    The kitchen door swung open preventing Skye’s response.
    His family entered, carrying white porcelain bowls in their hands.
    Skye sniffed the aroma that wafted in her direction. “Is that—”
    “Cock-a-leekie soup?” Callum grinned. “Yes.”
    She rubbed her hands together. She hadn’t tasted this chicken and leek soup in years. Her mother made it for a time after they returned to Australia, but stopped after she remarried. Skye focused on Mary McGuire as she neared, carrying a bowl. “With prunes?”
    Mary smiled and nodded.
    The soup served, they took their seats. Callum sat beside Skye on her left, his parents on the other side of the table, and Tavish sat at the head, on Skye’s right.
    “Callum will you offer grace before we eat?” Mr. McGuire asked.
    Callum nodded and took Skye’s hand. “Father, we want to give You thanks for this bounty You’ve provided. There are so many who go to bed hungry. Please provide for them. Thank You for the warmth of the fire and of family and friends when so many are lonely and cold. Please, give them comfort. Thank You, too, for bringing our Skye back to us. But most of all, thank You for the gift of your Son. We celebrate His birth tonight. Amen.”
    “Amen,” everyone echoed.
    Skye rested her chin on Callum’s shoulder and whispered. “That was a beautiful

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