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Book: Gifted by Peter David Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peter David
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annoyed, at the island she was sitting on. “I wouldn’t be caught dead in Oahu. Honolulu is where all the tourists go because the cheap resorts are here. When I go to Hawaii, I stay in Maui. Katherine, switch with me.”
    “Screw you,” Kitty retorted, holding firmly on to Maui. “I’m busy trying not to step on Lana’i and Kahoolawe. You’d just wipe them out with your big feet.”
    “My feet are not big.”
    Hank scowled fiercely. “Ladies, I don’t do well with being ignored—”
    “Kauai’s nice,” suggested Logan who was cooling his heels on 61 Molokai. “That’s free. You could move one over.”
    “Absolutely not. I had the worst dinner of my life there. I was sick for three days.”
    “Fine, whatever.” He glanced across the ocean at Scott. “Of course
gets the
Island. Compensating much there, Slim?”
    “Look who’s talking.”
” Hank raised his voice angrily. “Perhaps you think this is funny, but I—” He sighed when he saw that Kitty was raising her hand. “Yes. What?”
    “It’s just that…I kind of really don’t know why I’m here,” said Kitty. “I didn’t get in anybody’s face, I didn’t get into a fight with anybody…”
    “You were late yesterday,” said Emma.
    “Yeah,” Kitty said, “you really gotta learn to let things go, which I know might sound like kind of a weird idea, considering this bunch nurses so many grudges it’s like you all have cast-iron nipples…” Clouds started to drift into her face. She brushed them away in annoyance. “Ack! This is…is this like a theme thing, us being so big? Going with the whole ‘looking up to us’ bit?”
    Hank was still incredibly frustrated that he wasn’t managing to impress upon them how angry he was, but he was also a bit chagrined that Kitty had pointed that out. “Actually, it’s my fault,” he admitted. “I programmed the Danger Room to replicate Hawaii because I thought it would relax our combatants. It appears I should have been more specific about scale.” He pulled out a remote control and started reconfiguring.
    Kitty was able to shoo away the last bits of the cloud, but not before 62 it managed to moisten her head. “Great. Now I have cloud hair. Remember when this place was just flame-throwers and rotating knives? I miss that.”
    “As I was saying,” Hank said testily while he continued to work on the remote, “Scott, Logan…you two should be long past that nonsense.”
    “I’m not apologizing to Logan, and I wouldn’t accept one in return.”
    “Scott,” Hank said, “you’re acting head of the—”
    But Scott put up a hand, interrupting him. “It was inexcusable, I agree. And it’s going to make what I have to say all the more absurd, but I’m going to say it anyway.” He paused, and then said, “We’re a team. We’re a super hero team. And I think it’s time we started acting like one.”
    “Ho, whoa, wait,” said Logan. “Is this gonna be about tights?”
    Despite the frustrating circumstances that had forced them into this idiotic situation, Hank couldn’t help but smile a bit to himself. He had no desire to act like the hall monitor from hell and he had resented the hell out of Logan and Scott—especially Scott—for putting him into this situation. If Scott was ready to pull his cranium out of his nether regions and act like a leader instead of a brawler, then Hank was happy to listen.
    SEEING that Hank looked a bit less angry than before, Scott relaxed slightly. Of everyone in the room, he and Hank went back the furthest. They were the only two people there from the original team, brought together by the dream of Charles Xavier. Because of that, 63 Hank’s support for Scott’s new vision was the most important to him.
    “It’s about everything,” said Scott. “Truth. Perception. We’ve saved the world—
, even—time and again. That’s the truth. That’s what we do.” Two dolphins were copulating against his ankle. He

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