Ghost Hunt 2: MORE Chilling Tales of the Unknown

Read Online Ghost Hunt 2: MORE Chilling Tales of the Unknown by Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson - Free Book Online

Book: Ghost Hunt 2: MORE Chilling Tales of the Unknown by Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason Hawes, Grant Wilson
Tags: JUV001000
recording. She heard her own voice say, “Tell me your name.” Then there was a murmuring, faint sound.
    “It almost sounds like a message…” Frank said.
    “Let me play it for you again. I’ll turn up the volume.”
    She hit play. This time the sound came through loudly. A breathy voice said:
    “Harry… Brunette. Three. Seven. Four.”
    Frank looked stunned. Lyssa rewound the tape and played it again.
    “We looked up the prisoners’ list. Prisoner number 374 was named Harry Walter Brunette.”
    A quiet fell over the room. Eventually Grant broke the silence.
    “Then we did some more research. Harry Brunette was a bank robber and a kidnapper. He was even declared a public enemy by the FBI. When the police finally found him in New York City in 1936, there was a long shoot-out at his apartment. Eventually he was captured and brought here. With all this evidence, I have no problem saying Alcatraz is a haunted site.”
    Frank seemed upset.
    “What’s wrong?” Lyssa asked.
    “I always sort of felt in my gut this place was haunted. But now with all this proof… well… is there anything to be worried about?”
    “The inmates may have been dangerous when they were alive,” Jason said. “But now, you have nothing to be afraid of. Seriously. From all we’ve seen, it seems they’re just trying to communicate. These ghosts won’t harm you.”
    Frank let out a relieved sigh.
    “Good. Thank you. I really appreciate you coming all the way out here. I’ll take you back down to the boat.”
    As the steel door slammed behind her, Lyssa smiled. She was glad to have found such hard evidence. And even happier to be escaping from Alcatraz.

    R on and Dave Sandstrom crouched in a corner of their living room. It was the middle of the night. The boys knew they should be in bed, but there was something weird going on in the Sandstrom house.
    Thirteen-year-old Ron was determined to find out what. Dave, who was only ten, insisted on tagging along. Because his older brother claimed he had seen a ghost.
    Ron wasn’t sure that he believed it, even though he saw it with his own eyes. But Dave was totally into ghosts. He was always reading anything he could about TAPS, The Atlantic Paranormal Society. He wanted to be just like its founders, Jason and Grant.
    If the weirdness in the Sandstrom house really
a ghost, Dave was sure he could help.
    The two boys waited for hours. First they waited for their parents to go to bed. Then they waited for them to fall asleep. Finally it was time. They snuck out of bed, grabbed the flashlights they always took camping, and tiptoed into the living room. There they crouched down behind the couch. Their goal was to get close to the fireplace… but not
    The fireplace was where Ron had seen
The ghost.
    “Did you really see something?” Dave asked now. He was trying to sound calm, but his voice trembled. He wasn’t sure if it was from fear or excitement. Waiting for something to happen was a lot harder than he thought. Before tonight, Dave never realized that just
could freak a person out.
    “I told you,” Ron replied. “I saw a man wearing these weird old-fashioned clothes. Mom said she saw him, too. Only over by the front door.”
    Dave shuddered. “What about Dad?”
    “I don’t think Dad’s seen anything,” Ron said. “But he’s the one who said we should start writing stuff down.” He glanced down at Dave. “What’s that thing those guys always say?”
    “Documenting evidence,” Dave said at once.
    “Yeah. Okay. Whatever,” Ron said. “That’s what Dad said we should do. So that’s why we’re hiding behind the couch in the middle of the night.”
    “We’re not hiding,” Dave said. “We’re
Just like Jason and Grant. I bet
wouldn’t go to bed and do nothing. If they thought there was a ghost, they’d try to find it.”
    “Yeah, you’re right,” Ron said. “They would.”
    Jason and Grant weren’t

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