The Baron's Quest

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Book: The Baron's Quest by Elizabeth Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth Rose
yarn is getting so long it is almost touching the ground?” asked Lord Conlin.
    The three noblemen were like children, eager to learn a simple task. It almost made her laugh. They’d spent so much time fighting for the king, and taking little things like where their clothing came from for granted, that it amused her in return.
    “I wind it around the spindle,” she said, slipping the yarn from the hook and wrapping it around the spindle til the extra yarn was taken up. Once it was wound tightly, she wrapped the end around the hook again. She combined the end with the fleece resting atop her hand, and let the weight of the spindle create tension as she spun it again, and drew out more wool, turning it into a tightly spun yarn.
    “You are so fast,” said Lord Nicholas. She just smiled, priding herself on her excellent skill. She finished spinning the batch of fleece and placed the spindle gently on the table.
    “So, was it as amusing as you thought it would be?” she asked the men. They were all leaning forward, concentrating on what she was doing very intently. So much so, that if she were to shout out right now she was sure they would be so startled they would probably spill their tankards of ale and fall to the floor. How was it they knew so little about the craft?
    “Do you weave also?” asked Lord Conlin, placing his tankard down on the table with a thump.
    “I do, but my loom is back in town, and has been confiscated by the guild.”
    “Well, we won’t ask you to show us any weaving tonight,” said Nicholas standing to join her. “’Tis late and I’ll be leaving at first light.” He nodded toward his friends and started across the room, leaving her standing there with the other barons.
    “I wish you would stay longer, Romney,” said Lord John. “We’ve yet to have a game of cards or dice, nor have we sparred in the practice yard.”
    “I have things to attend to back home,” he said, then stopped and motioned for her to join him. “Muriel, it is time for bed.”
    Muriel’s heart about stopped. He’d called her by her name for the first time since she’d met him. She noticed that dangerous look in his eyes, and also the way he’d insinuated they would be sleeping together tonight. While she could think of nothing more than the kiss they’d shared, she didn’t want to give herself to this man in a form of  payment for her father’s debts.
    “I will sleep in the great hall with the servants,” she said, hearing the guffaws of the other two barons from behind her.
    “You will sleep where I tell you to sleep, now grab your spindle and follow me.”
    She did as told, not wanting to anger the baron anymore than she already had. She followed him up the stairs to his chamber without saying another word. He opened the door allowing her to walk into the room first, probably only so she wouldn’t try to leave. He closed the door and turned toward her.
    “I don’t like the way you defy me in front of the other barons. I urge you not to do it again.”
    “I do not think I should have to sleep with you in payment for my father’s debts.”
    “And neither will you have to.” He removed his weaponbelt, then his surcoat, and his tunic followed. Her eyes focused on his sturdy chest and her mouth fell open.
    “Close your mouth,” he told her. “You act as if you’ve never seen a man’s chest before.”
    “Of course, I have,” she said, putting her things down on a nearby table. “Only, the men’s chests I’ve seen have looked . . . quite different than yours.”
    “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He bent over and removed his boots, and her eyes fastened to his back end. He obviously knew she was looking at him though his back was toward her. “Come here,” he said, standing up and reaching for the tie at his waist.
    “My lord?” she asked, wondering what he was asking.
    “Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you.”
    She moved forward slowly, stopping right in front of him. He

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