Ghastly Glass

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Book: Ghastly Glass by Joyce and Jim Lavene Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joyce and Jim Lavene
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to make sure only my sleeve was burned. I was going to go through a lot of shirts this way, but at least I wasn’t hurt. I tried again with the glass rods, this time wearing the elbow-length gloves Chase had given me. I found out quickly that it was almost impossible to hold the glass and manipulate it wearing the gloves. Too bad, because they would’ve protected me.
    I concentrated on the glass rods, watching the ends turn red as they heated up. I carefully put them together and hoped they’d seal. That would be one task down and about a billion more to go before I could create anything. I knew I wouldn’t be able to make dragons or other pieces that required a lot of training, but I was looking forward to making something small and easy, like a cross or a boat. That didn’t seem too much to ask by the end of October.
    A few more visitors wandered into the shop, fondling expensive pieces of glass with careful hands. Roger and Henry waited on them while I continued sealing pieces of glass together. I was getting the hang of it, I thought, as the Royal Trumpets sounded outside announcing the entrance of the Royal Court.
    Surprisingly, Princess Isabel entered with her entourage of ladies-in-waiting, fools, and jugglers who accompanied her everywhere she walked in the Village. “We have witnessed something strange outside your door, good craftsman.” She approached Roger with a puzzled expression on her face. “Could you tell us what you are about with such a sign?”
    Roger bowed low, edging Henry out in that department. “Of course, Your Highness. How may I assist you? ”
    The entire group made for the outside of the Glass Gryphon. On the side wall facing the King’s Tarts shop was a gruesome warning written in what looked like blood. “Death shall find thee,” Roger read aloud. “I wonder how that got there? ”


    “ O bviously someone’s idea of a good Halloween scare.” Chase examined the writing on the wall. “Look around you, people. Everything is set up to make an impression.”
    “True, Sir Bailiff.” Isabel managed to stand close enough to Chase so she could wrap her hands around his arm. “But with blood? We do not find this to be appealing and do not think the visitors will either.”
    “Blood?” Chase reached up and stuck his finger in the red lettering then licked it.
    “Eww! ” The action grossed Isabel totally out of character. “Chase, you shouldn’t eat that stuff!”
    “It’s just strawberry jelly.”
    I stepped between the princess (who was about to lose her lunch) and my boyfriend, who said, “It’s just a prank. Someone’s watching us right now, having a good time.”
    Everyone turned to look at King Arthur, who was about to retrieve the sword from the stone on his usual quarter-hour basis. He glanced up to see all of us staring at him and stepped back. “What? You think this is an easy job and any of you could do it? You think I don’t wish I had something with more meat, more passion? Well, never mind. You do what you’re supposed to do, and I’ll do what I have to do.”
    “Someone needs some oatmeal for breakfast.” Roger shook his head and looked back at Chase. “So you think this is just a prank? ”
    “Or a bad decorating scheme,” Chase replied. “Why? Do you think it’s something more? ”
    “It seems odd to me that it would be on my shop,” Roger continued. “I didn’t really even know Ross that well. Why would it be here? Any other reports of the same thing around the Village? ”
    “None that I’ve heard. Look, Roger—”
    “None on the dungeon, I bet.”
    “I’m sure it’s not personal,” Chase argued. “What’s wrong with you anyway? It’s like everything I say is wrong.”
    “ Everything is personal.” Roger stalked back into the shop. A few seconds later, he bellowed my name.
    “I guess I better go,” I told Chase. “Did you know that was strawberry jelly or did you just guess? ”
    “If you look close, you can see the

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