Frozen Billy

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Book: Frozen Billy by Anne Fine Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne Fine
have risen and walked out with my head held high.
    Instead, I forced myself to say, ‘I came to ask if you would very kindly let me borrow a few clothes from the theatre stores.’
    â€˜Clothes? For yourself, Clarrie?’
    I nodded.
    I shook my head. ‘A bright blue jacket. A pair of knickerbockers. And, if I can find them, a pair of striped school socks.’
    She raised an eyebrow. ‘You seem a little old for dress-up games.’
    â€˜No, no. I thought, if I could find a jacket and knickerbockers to fit, then I could cut off my hair—’
    â€˜Cut off your hair?’
    â€˜As short as a boy’s. Then I could take my turn on stage as Frozen Billy’s twin.’
    She stared at me. ‘You? On stage, Clarrie? What would your uncle think of that?’
    â€˜I haven’t told him yet. But he did once warn Will, “Be sure, on the day I finally find Still Lucy, I will be offering your job to Clarrie.” ’
    Madame Terrazini chuckled. ‘The day he finds Still Lucy! You are a family of dreamers, Clarrie!’ Her face grew serious. ‘I’ve heard that Mrs Trimble and Miss Foy work you hard enough. Why would you add to your burdens by taking your brother’s place on stage?’
    â€˜To save him!’ I burst out. ‘He works night after night. His temper sours, and nothing cheers him. If I could take his place, then he could rest and his good spirits might return to him.’
    She smiled at me. ‘On stage to save your brother? Your lovely hair cut short? I tell you, you have the courage of a lion. A lion, Clarrie!’
    My heart was lifting. ‘So I may go in the storerooms?’
    â€˜Yes, of course.’
    â€˜And try to take Will’s place?’
    She spread her hands. ‘Clarrie, your uncle knows his business. If you can satisfy him, I have no doubt you can satisfy me and the audience.’ She sighed. ‘Maybe it’s for the best. Anyone can see that things are very wrong between your brother and uncle. Out there on stage the two of them seize every chance to snarl at one another and pick over ancient battles. You have the look of someone hovering over a sickbed, and scuttle away each time I remind you we have business to settle—’
    That word again. ‘Business?’
    â€˜Your brother’s wages!’ She waved a hand towards the huge safe standing in the corner. ‘You can’t believe I’d trust a boy his age to carry the amounts he’s earned home in his knickerbocker pockets!’
    â€˜But surely, Uncle Len has—?’
    â€˜Uncle Len?’ She threw up her hands in mock despair. ‘Oh, Clarrie, would you have me watch your brother work so hard, only to see your uncle drink his wages away in the Soldier at Arms straight after? How could you even think it? Oh, my dear child!’
    â€˜But we all thought . . .’
    Now she was staring at me as much as I at her. ‘Small wonder, then, that your poor brother is in such a pet! I wonder Len hasn’t put him straight, if only to improve his temper.’
    â€˜I don’t believe my uncle knows. You see, you give him more than you did before—’
    â€˜A mere pittance more, I admit, now there are two of them to pay.’
    â€˜But more. Enough to confuse him into thinking that was the new wage for them both.’
    She roared with laughter. ‘Then Len’s no better with his figures than with his letters, Clarrie!’ Again, she chuckled. ‘I’ll leave it to you to turn your brother’s growls to smiles. You’ve earned that pleasure.’ Her face grew serious. ‘Meantime, let’s hear no more about you cutting off your hair and going on the stage.’
    She drew a few notes from a drawer. ‘Here. Take a little now to pay your rent and fill your larder. I’ll keep the rest in my safe.’ Pressing the money into my hand, she ushered me

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