The Faerie Queen (The Faerie Ring #4)

Read Online The Faerie Queen (The Faerie Ring #4) by Kiki Hamilton - Free Book Online

Book: The Faerie Queen (The Faerie Ring #4) by Kiki Hamilton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kiki Hamilton
Ring—did you feel anything? Sense anything? Gain wisdom you didn’t have before?”
    Tiki heaved a dejected sigh. “If there are secrets within this stone, they are hidden from me—and I have no idea how to retrieve them.”

    Chapter Twelve

    “ We’ve found a blue gown, hung from the rock cliffs on the far side of the Tor.” Sullivan’s hair shimmered like liquid silver, brushing his bony shoulders as he approached the Winter King.
    Donegal turned from the window where he had been staring toward the band of light on the horizon. “Was it hers?”
    “ It had her scent—” Sullivan scowled— “but the hounds lost her trail among the rocks.”
    Donegal smiled, the scarr ed side of his face pulling down in a grimace. “She knows she’s being hunted and has sent someone to lay a false trail as a diversion.”
    “ I think you’re right. We had spies in London who saw several of the mortals who live with her in Grosvenor Square leave by carriage just before the hounds arrived. She didn’t go with them.”
    “ How fascinating. Who were they and where did they go?”
    Sullivan shrugged. “It was the male who is often seen with the queen and four children.”
    Donegal’s black eyes flared with interest. “Children?”
    “ I believe they live with the queen in the mortal world.”
    “ Did someone follow them?”
    “ Yes—MacDonald and Brady.”
    “ Where did they go?” There was a sudden urgency in his voice.
    “ I haven’t heard back yet.”
    “ I want to know the second you have word. This is our opportunity. The Queen has sent off those she loves thinking she’s protecting them.” A guttural laugh escaped his lips. “She will soon learn there is no protection from my vengeance.”
    The Winter King turned back to the window and nodded toward the Plain of Sunlight where a golden glow reflected in a thin band across the horizon. “Tara MacLochlan will be back in the Otherworld soon, if she hasn’t already returned.” His words were as raw as a blade drawn against a stone. “This time I won’t leave it to someone else to kill her. I will do it myself.”

    Chapter Thirteen

    “ Finn would not have made this an impossible task.” Larkin dropped the ring against Tiki’s chest and began to pace. “The Cup offers inspiration, healing, sustenance… how can a piece of glass inspire us?” she muttered as she went from one side of the room to the other.
    Tiki sank back and closed her eyes, willing herself to concentrate. The Ring held the secret to finding the fourth treasure. The Cup would provide the inspiration to release the secrets from the Ring. They had used the Cup to help Johnny before… Tiki’s eyes snapped open. Could it be that simple? Did she just need to drink from the cup to gain the needed inspiration?
    Sh e sat up and reached for the glass goblet.
    Dain watched her from where he stood near the end of the couch. “Tara, what are you doing?”
    Larkin paused in her pacing.
    Tiki didn’t answer as she lifted the glittering glass goblet to her lips and opened her mouth. The Cup had appeared empty when they’d held it to Johnny’s lips, but within seconds fluid had poured from the goblet into his mouth, providing healing when he was in need. It had saved his life.  Would the Cup answer her need for knowledge in the same way?
    She waited. Ten seconds. Fifteen. Twenty.
    There was nothing.
    A full minute went by before Tiki lowered the glass from her lips. “I thought…” The words died in her throat.
    Dain strode over and sat on the couch next to her . “Well done, Tiki. You’ve answered an important question. Now we know one doesn’t gain inspiration by drinking from the Cup. There must be another way to gain the necessary knowledge.”
    “ But what?” Tiki asked, despair thick in her voice. She stared at the swirling colors that lined the exterior of the vase. “What do I need to do? Where do I need to look to know how to find the Fourth

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