groaned and let his head fall backward against the chair. Holy shit. He was in so much trouble. Perhaps he should’ve just fucked her as the lady so politely asked. His chivalry was going to kill him. “Yes,” he managed to mutter.
    “Show me.”
    “Oh, baby, you don’t know what you are asking. A man can only take so much.” He righted his gaze to meet hers.
    “Show me,” she repeated.
    He released the arm of the chair with one hand and wrapped his palm around his cock. The pressure building behind his balls was painful. If he didn’t come soon, he would pass out. As it was, he couldn’t speak. Instead he guided his hand up his shaft until the head almost popped free, and then he stroked back down to the base.
    When he unfolded his fingers, Adonia took the lead. She brushed his hand aside and wrapped her dainty palm around his cock. Her fingers didn’t even meet on the other side. She stroked upward as he had, but her thumb grazed through the slit at the top, spreading his precum around the head.
    He closed his eyes as she inhaled his scent, not hiding her interest. “You smell like…sex.” She giggled, a light tinkle of sound that vibrated through his cock.
    When she released her hold on his dick after the one stroke, his eyes popped open just in time to find her tasting his wetness from her thumb. As she licked the come from the digit, he moaned. Her tongue flicked out again and he nearly orgasmed.
    She didn’t speak again before she lowered her face and licked the tip of his cock with no warning.
    He bucked upward, unable to stop himself. His shaft breached her lips unintentionally. She didn’t flinch or pull back. Instead she purred around his cock and swirled her tongue around the edge of the mushroom-shaped head. “Mmm,” she muttered against his skin. “You taste divine. Salty… Musky…”
    Zephyr gripped the chair arms once again. This was it. This was how he would die. A happy man at the mercy of his mate in a dark cabin buried in snow.
    In fact, at that moment, the storm chose to rear its angry head once again, redoubling its effort to keep them trapped. The whistle of wind made the ceiling creak and shook the rafters. At least he knew the cabin wasn’t completely buried. The roof still poked out. The winds must have been strong.
    Distracting himself with thoughts of the weather didn’t interrupt the lips of his sweet mate or the reaction of his cock. She sucked him into her mouth and wrapped her palm around the base of his shaft as though she knew exactly what she was doing.
    “Adonia… Baby…” He held himself rigid, praying he wouldn’t come in her mouth without warning.
    She was relentless, though. When she drew her cheeks in, sucking him harder and deeper, he immediately grasped her shoulders and pulled her off, heaving for breath. “You can’t…”
    “What? Did I do it wrong?”
    He peered at her through the haze over his eyes. “You’re fucking perfect in every way. I can’t tell you that emphatically enough. But I don’t want to come in your mouth.”
    “Why? I came in yours and you didn’t seem to dislike it.”
    God, she was good. Feisty. She tossed her verbal punches as fast as he could retort.
    “It’s not the same. My seed is more … plentiful…” That sounded idiotic. But what the fuck was he supposed to say?
    Instead of taking his word for it and obeying his wish not to come on her face, she brushed his hands off her shoulders and sucked him into her throat. Deep. Farther than before. She set up a pace, mimicking her pussy, using her tongue to stroke his cock as she lowered and rose over him.
    Zephyr awkwardly laid his hands on her arms, unwilling to break contact with her, but not wanting to pressure her in any way.
    When his cock hit the back of her throat, he lost it. His dick pulsed of its own accord, filling her mouth with his come. And she swallowed him, never flinching or gagging even though the experience was not only new to her, but

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