Frog and the Sandspiders of Aridian

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Book: Frog and the Sandspiders of Aridian by Joffre White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joffre White
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me.’ Before he could say anything else, a large,previously unnoticed figure in the corner of the room moved slowly towards them. Its shape and bulk emerged from the shadow to reveal the largest spider that they had seen so far. This one was enormous, towering over them by at least 4 metres. It stopped a short arm's length away and its fetid breath washed over them. Its giant mandibles slowly twitched and its six black eyes studied them intensely.
    â€˜I'd run, but for some reason I can't move,’ said Billy.
    â€˜Neither can I,’ replied Frog.
    â€˜I suppose we'd better be nice to it then,’ added Billy.
    Silence! said a harsh rasping voice in Billy's head. Do you not know who I am?
    â€˜I guess that you're Arac- Khan,’ said Billy.
    Which one of you claims to be the Chosen one called Frog? the spider's voice thundered in Frog's head.
    â€˜That would be me,’ he answered.
    Your human voices scratch my senses. Do not use your tongues; use your thoughts, commanded the spider.
    â€˜I don't particularly like you inside my head,’ said Billy. ‘But if you're trying to frighten us, you're not doing a very good job,’ he added bravely.
    â€˜Billy, be quiet,’ said Frog, but it was too late.
    So you want to be frightened, do you? said the spider. Well, let me oblige you.
    Suddenly, it lunged its front two legs forwards and grabbed Billy by the ankles, raising him high into the air so that he hung upside down. Then it began to swing him from side to side.
    â€˜Put me down,’ yelled Billy. ‘I hate heights. Put me down.’
    â€˜Put my friend down,’ said Frog. ‘If you harm him, so help me, when I get free I'll make you pay dearly.’
    Brave words from one who is so helpless , hissed the spider in Frog's head. How would you like to join your friend?
    â€˜If it's a choice of him or me up there then let him down and take me,’ said Frog.
    Not only brave but loyal too, said the spider. These are fine qualities. What say you, Arac-Khan?
    A gentle, female voice entered Frog and Billy's heads. They are not the qualities of a witch's creation. Bring them to me so that I may complete the Sensing.
    The spider slowly lowered Billy, who had gone quite pale. It lifted him to his feet and guided him along with Frog to the rear of the cave. Slowly, a soft light began to illuminate their surroundings and they could see a small, orange-robed figure who was uncovering several of the light-giving crystals. As their eyes adjusted to the new level of light, they could also see another spider nestled among a straw bed. It was pure white in colour and no bigger than a metre in size.
    Behold, the real Arac-Khan, said the giant spider. If you make any aggressive moves towards her, I will squash you where you stand.
    â€˜I don't feel very well,’ moaned Billy, who now looked a rather green colour.
    â€˜You need to drink this,’ said a girl's soft voice. Then the figure in the orange robe stepped forwards with a cup and offered it to Billy's lips. ‘Drink it slowly. It will work quickly and clear your head then you will gradually be free to move.’
    Frog studied the girl's features and guessed that shewas older than him by a couple of years. She had a fresh, freckled face; her dark eyes reflected the light from the crystals and her fair hair was tied in a short braid. She had the fine black image of a spider tattooed on her cheek.
    Billy took a couple of mouthfuls of the thick, sweet liquid and felt it run down his throat. Its cool flow quickly spread through his body and cleared his mind.
    â€˜Thank you,’ he said.
    â€˜My name is Nadiah,’ she replied then took the cup to Frog and helped him to drink.
    Arac-Khan spoke gently to Billy. Come and sit by me .
    Billy did as he was asked and sat in the straw next to the white spider.
    Starting to feel better? asked Arac-Khan.
    â€˜Yes thanks,’ said Billy.
    Good, but do try to talk with your

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