Frog and the Sandspiders of Aridian

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Book: Frog and the Sandspiders of Aridian by Joffre White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joffre White
cross-legged at a low table, drinking from a small bowl.
    â€˜Awake at last, young Billy. So much sleep for one who was not tired,’ he said smiling.
    â€˜What's the time?’ asked Billy.
    â€˜It will soon be moonrise and time to go,’ Ameer replied. ‘You had best have some food before we leaveas we will not eat again until we reach Arachnae.’ He indicated the table, which was laid out with various fruits and what looked like pancakes.
    â€˜Where's Frog?’ enquired Billy as he sat down and picked up a small, brown, wrinkled fruit.
    â€˜Getting dressed,’ answered Ameer.
    â€˜What's this?’ asked Billy, inspecting the fruit closely. ‘A fresh fig. You only eat the inside as the skin is quite tough.’
    â€˜We have these back home. My mum buys them from the health food shop, but I don't think that they're as fresh as this.’
    â€˜Here, let me show you,’ said Ameer. He took another fig from the bowl and demonstrated how to open it and eat the pink contents. Billy followed suit and was pleasantly surprised with the taste. He then cast his eyes over the rest of the food.
    â€˜Is there anything else here that's not snake meat or poisonous?’ he asked.
    â€˜Of course,’ said Ameer with a chuckle. ‘This is flat bread, these are dates and this is Atemoya mixed with sweet juice and don't worry, the seeds have been taken out.’
    Billy ate hungrily, as Ameer rose and disappeared behind a screen. As he ate, he could hear the muffled voices of Frog and Ameer in conversation. After a short while, he was just about to pick up some more dates when Ameer came out from behind the screen followed by Frog. He was dressed in the sand-coloured robes of an Aridian.
    â€˜I'm getting worried about you,’ said Billy. ‘You're turning into a bit of a costume freak.’
    â€˜What's wrong with this?’ asked Frog.
    â€˜It's a bit girly if you ask me.’
    â€˜I should get used to it if I was you.’
    â€˜No skin off my nose,’ replied Billy.
    â€˜Good,’ said Frog, smiling. ‘Because there's one back there for you.’
    â€˜No way!’ said Billy. ‘You're not going to catch me wearing one of those.’
    â€˜If you want to survive while you are here on Aridian then you will need to wear our clothing,’ said Ameer.
    â€˜I'll take my chances,’ said Billy stubbornly. ‘I can survive without making a bad fashion statement.’
    Ameer got to his feet, took Billy gently by the arm and led him to the screen. Fifteen minutes later, Billy stood in front of Frog and Ameer. He was now wearing the traditional robes and headdress of the Aridian people.
    â€˜Excellent,’ said Ameer. ‘You look resplendent.’
    â€˜I feel like a wazuck!’ replied Billy.
    Ameer looked at Frog.
    â€˜He feels like a fool and an idiot,’ Frog translated.
    â€˜You are wearing the attire of a proud Aridian tribesman. Please give it respect. It may well save your life,’ said Ameer sternly. ‘Now let us go; we must meet with the scouting parties.’
    Ameer turned and strode out of the room with Frog and Billy quickly at his heels.
    â€˜This feels too weird,’ said Billy. ‘It's like wearing a dress.’
    â€˜How would you know? You haven't been trying on your sister's clothes have you?’ teased Frog, laughing.
    Billy turned a shade of red. ‘Don't ever tell her about this,’ he pleaded. ‘She'll never let me live it down.’
    â€˜Don't worry, your secret's safe with me. Now try not to trip over. Just walk normally and you'll soon get used to it,’ he encouraged.
    By the time they had reached the far end of the stables, Frog was pleased to see that Billy was no longer waddling like a pregnant duck. It was just as well because there was quite a gathering of people waiting for them. Ameer guided Billy and Frog into the centre of the group, who were all wearing

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