Fringe Benefits

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Book: Fringe Benefits by Sandy James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sandy James
Tags: Fiction, Romance, Contemporary Women
to everyone else at the cookout. “It might work…”
    “You said you needed the money,” Mallory chimed in.
    “Yeah,” Jules added. “You’re supposed to be saving for your grand tour of Europe.”
    They had her there. Although she was paid more than the poor newbies like Nate, the money would come in handy. Seeing places like London and Paris with her own eyes was at the top of her bucket list.
    Nate took her hand, stroking her knuckles with his thumb. “I’d be really grateful, Dani. And it will only be temporary.” His eyes shone with humor as the corner of his mouth rose with a lopsided smile. “ ‘The charity that is a trifle to us can be precious to others.’ ”
    The man could fucking quote Homer. How could she ever turn him down?
    “Fine. You can live in my basement.”
    *   *   *
    “This is the best way for you to get inside for now. I’ll talk to Ben about getting you a private entrance.” Dani tried to control the nervous tremor in her voice. She punched the code into the remote garage door opener and waited while the door rose.
    “Don’t go to any trouble. I’m fine with this.” Nate followed her through the garage, stopping to stare at the empty pegboard and shelves. “You don’t have any tools?”
    “I’ve got a hammer, a couple of screwdrivers, and a wrench. They’re in a drawer in the kitchen.” She shrugged. “Haven’t really needed anything else.”
    “That’s ’cause this place is new. Trust me, you’ll need more as it ages.” His gaze returned to her, his eyes capturing hers. “Sorry. That was too pessimistic, wasn’t it?”
    Unnerved by his intense scrutiny, she went to the door and opened it. “Not pessimistic. Realistic. A trait we share. I guess I always thought I’d have Ben or Robert to call on if I needed any help.” She stepped into the foyer and held the door for him.
    Nate followed her, moving out of the way so she could close the door. Then he looked around her two-story foyer, eyes wide. “Wow. This place is amazing.”
    Although she thought so, too, she didn’t want to sound as though she were bragging. “Robert builds amazing houses.”
    He pointed at the etched glass chandelier. “I love the light fixture. So modern.”
    They evidently had the same taste, because she’d loved it from the moment she saw it in the lighting store.
    “Did Robert pick it out?” He brushed his foot across the ceramic tile lining the foyer’s floor. “And this? The color’s fantastic.”
    “He pointed out some choices for me.”
picked it.”
    Since Nate had made it a statement, Dani wasn’t sure whether she should respond. It was easier to continue the tour. She was too rattled having him in her house to hold a genuine conversation.
    That didn’t bode well. If he took the basement, he’d be in her house all the time.
    Grow up, Dani. You’re not sixteen anymore
    On that admonition, she got her pluck back. “Want to see the basement?”
    “Nope.” He headed right to the staircase, running his fingertips over the carved cherry banister. “I want to see the whole house first. This place is a masterpiece!” Before she could say a word, he bounded up the stairs.
    Dani loved his enthusiasm for her home. Robert worked miracles, no doubt about it. He’d helped a single woman living on a teacher’s salary build a beautiful, spacious home. A part of her enjoyed the fact that Nate felt comfortable enough with her to give himself an impromptu house tour.
    He was waiting at the top when she followed him up the staircase. “I’m sorry. I’m being rude. If you don’t want to show me the house…” His fingers raked through his hair. “I shouldn’t have gone nosing around.”
    “It’s fine, Nate. Really. I’m happy you like my house.”
    Each room earned more praise as she led him through the bedrooms and baths. When she’d picked out the design, she’d known she might never have a need for four bedrooms. She’d decided a long time ago

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