Fresh Cut Romance

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Book: Fresh Cut Romance by Dee Dawning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dee Dawning
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virginal membrane was intact, by giving her a quick pelvic examination.
    " Hmmm. Don't be surprised if you spot again the next time you make love."
    " What do you mean?"
    " Your hymen was only partially ruptured. Hence with penetration you could bleed."
    " Gee, thanks. I'm glad you told me that."
    I felt like shit, tricking my own flesh and blood, but I believed it was for a good cause. Even if Julian didn 't work out, which frankly, knowing how smitten he claimed to be seemed like a long shot.  
    Afterward, we went into the shower room where we removed our towels and stepped into fusillades of spraying water from multiple levels and angles. We were naked again and Laur didn 't seem to mind. Maybe she was loosening up in anticipation of tonight. I knew I would, in her position. In fact, I loosened up anyway. I wonder what Seth and I could do with my soon to be sore pussy.
    Next, was the moment I 'd been waiting for. A massage and Brazilian Wax. I'd wanted a wax job ever since I began my personal pubic management. I'd think about going to get one and inevitably would chicken out, but not this time. I was already here, naked and looking forward to it. Unlike my sister who looked like she was going to an execution—hers. 
    When we walked in Marla smiled. "Ready for your massages?"
    " Yes and Brazilian Waxes."
    Marla 's eyes lit up. "Both of you?"
    " Yes, Laurel goes first."
    " No, you go first."
    " No…you go first." I took her arm. "I insist." And led her to the massage table. After Marla removed her towel, she and I both helped her onto the table. She was shivering. I held her hand and whispered calmly. "Remember, you're doing this for Julian."
    She looked at me and gave a single short nod.
    "Laurel, you know that once I do this—"
    I cleared my throat loudly and when Marla glanced at me, I shook my head violently, until Laurel looked over to see what I was doing. Then, I put my hand to my mouth and pretended to have a dry throat, clearing it several times.
    Marla winked at me and continued, "Umm…your pubic hair will not grow back for two to three months."
    Laurel nodded. "That's all right, I just want to look good for… Tell me, does it hurt?"
    " Yes, a little, but this ointment is made to deaden the nerve endings. I'll put it on, then massage you and by the time I finish, the area will be numb enough that you shouldn't be too uncomfortable. Now, before I apply the ointment, let's trim you up."
    But sis acted uncomfortable, this was a little much for someone as bashful as Laurel to swallow at one time. I held her hand through the whole episode. She balked when Marla tried to trim the hairs around her vagina. I kept reminding her she was doing this for Julian. Poor Laurel, to make matters worse, she had to get into some uncomfortable and absolutely mortifying positions. The things we do for our men.
    After Marla finished the trim and applied the ointment, she gave her the massage. Marla 's kneading hands seemed to calm Laurel, but the minute she began applying the hot wax to her pubis, sis started shaking. A towel over the upper torso helped, but the shaking continued throughout her ordeal. Even after the wax embedded cloth was removed, straggling hairs needed to be tweezed.
    It was a good thing I insisted she go first. If she 'd have watched me first, she wouldn't have gone through with it, but after it was done and Marla had applied cooling antiseptic lotions and hair growth inhibitors, Laurel seemed genuinely pleased.
    Marla handed her a mirror and excused herself to cleanup and get ready for me. Laurel held the mirror she'd given her in place and smiled. "What do you think, Tess?"
    " I think it looks spectacular."
    Poor Laurel. I made her blush. "I gotta admit I like it, but describing my vulva as spectacular is a little much. Don't you think?"
    " Maybe, but I'll bet Julian would agree with me. It's spectacular. By the way—"
    "Okay, I'm finished with you Laurel. You can get dressed now and Tess, It's your turn.

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