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Book: FRAGILE: Part 1 by Kimberly Malone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Malone
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stare down the beautiful drop. “I’m a very expressive person,” I say.
    “I know,” Eli says. He looks at me and smiles. “You make the most amazing sounds in bed.”
    “It helps that you…stop distracting me!” Eli chuckles, as I shake my head. I close my eyes, nearly losing my concentration, as my body trembles at the memories. “What I was going to say was that I’m an expressive person to the point that I very adamantly show my feelings for things. A less expressive person could love something very much and not show it like I do. It looks different from the outside, just not on the inside.”
    “That’s very true,” Eli says. “But how do I know that what I feel on the inside is how you feel when you express yourself though?”
    “That, I’m not sure,” I say. “Do you dread going to work?”
    “No,” Eli says, but it comes out hesitantly.
    “What do you dread then?” I ask.
    Eli’s watching me now, his green eyes holding me in place. Then, he glances up at the path as it continues on ahead, and then back the way we came. His face doesn’t harden completely, but by the way he draws his shoulders back a little, I can tell he’s about to change the conversation again.
    “I dread this decision I’m about to make,” Eli says. “I’m having fun, but I really want to do you.”
    “Oh really?” I’m taken aback and excited at the same time. Fine, I’ll accept your distraction this time, I think. “Right now?” I ask.
    “Right now,” Eli says. “Maybe we should head back.”
    I smirk and pull a condom out from my pocket. “Ta-da! Problem solved.”
    Eli blinks in surprise, and then he laughs. “Are you always this prepared?”
    “Around you? I have to be. I can’t figure you out, and it’s driving me insane,” I say.
    Eli steps towards me, and I can feel the heat radiating from him. “I drive you insane?” Eli asks, his tone musing. “That’s funny, because you have the same effect on me.”
    I take it as a good sign that our relationship really is progressing into something even more. I certainly feel like it is, what with the way his barriers have started to ease back, especially today.
    We hold hands, as we step off the trail, ducking around trees to find a secluded area that isn’t easily visible from the trail. Snickering, we lay out the picnic blanket we’d brought in a spot that’s hidden.
    “We could be in huge trouble if we’re caught,” Eli murmurs.
    We’ve seen people out and about today but not recently, and I’m feeling rather reckless. And horny. I shrug my shoulders. “I don’t care when I’m around you.”
    As Eli wraps his arms around me, his intense eyes lock with mine, and he holds my gaze the entire time. I’ve never felt like someone could see me, truly see me, and I lose my breath. I watch thoughts rage in his eyes, centered on me, until at last I see an emotion…sorrow.
    I’m surprised. It’s brief, hidden away behind his confident self-assurance, but the sorrow is there. As I press against Eli, I want to ask him why he’s sad. I want to draw the truth from him and quit playing games with him, as I search around his walls for a way in. My heart wants to connect with his, and I want him to stop holding me away at arm’s length.
    But Eli’s not ready, I can sense it. I can tell that it took a lot of courage for him to even drop his guard this much. So, for now, I just watch his eyes. I soak in his brief emotional honesty without question and let him be himself, just as he’s letting me be myself with him.
    For most of the rest of our hike I am shaky on my legs, and Eli and I can’t help grinning at each other every time we pass other hikers. We slowly make our way down, back to the parking lot, and while we wait for a cab, we refill our water bottles at a water fountain. My headache’s returned, and I eventually admit defeat and take more medicine.
    Eli frowns at me, as I take a sip of water. “You have a headache

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