FOUND: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel

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Book: FOUND: A Motorcycle Club Romance Novel by Scarlet Korin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Scarlet Korin
revolting ogling made my skin crawl.
    “Mmm... Umm... Hum! That's one fine ass white bitch. What's your name, sweetness?”
    “I'm... Cassie.”
    “That's sugar on my tongue. God almighty, you finer than all the tea in China!”
    Jerome laughed. Whereas I wanted to run. Ez was a creep of the highest order. Everything about him set me on edge. From his dirty fingernails, to his overly greasy skin. Unlike the man next to him, he wasn't wearing anything suggesting he was a member of a motorcycle club. He wore a poorly fitted black suit.
    Suddenly the deep voice of the second man boomed, “Come on boys, this ain't the time for women. We're here for business.”
    “Truer words have never been spoken!” Ez chimed out in the most artificial of ways. “This, Jerome, is Hulk. The president of our fine club up here in Crenshaw.”
    Hulk certainly was the operative word for this man. He was a monster. While he couldn't have been more than five-nine, he was at least the same width with muscles that nearly burst through the leather jacket he wore. Squat, powerful and with a focused intensity about him he hinted at being ready for anything. He was covered in tattoos from the knuckles of his hand to the thickness of his neck.
    “It's a pleasure.” Hulk leaned forward and extended his hand to Jerome and then to me. “...It's a pleasure, Cassie.”
    Wow, I thought surprised. That's out of the blue. Usually when I'm meeting friends, contacts, business partners – whatever you want to call them – of Jerome's they're usually look at me like a piece of meat. Hulk's respectful tone defied completely how imposing he was physically.
    “Follow me to the van,” he went on, “We've got everything here ready and waiting.”
    We moved towards the club where a large black transit van was stationed. Both Hulk and Ez walked slowly and with purpose. I couldn't help bu notice that emblazoned on Hulk's back was a red devil with the words Ugly Bastards Motorcycle Club stitched in.
    Hulk pulled the doors open, “Our friends up north will be happy with this. You doing us a big favor, Mr Young.”
    Locked out back behind The Vault we had absolute privacy, and looking at the bags stuffed with ominous shapes, did we need it. Five sport bags were filled to the brim. Each containing a single long and tubular object which bulged through the thin material.
    “Wanna take a look, my man?” Ez stretched his arms out over the goods.
    “Nah, it's alright. I ain't being paid to look, only drive. What's in there is none of my business.” Jerome edged closer with eyes that fixed on the contents. He might have convinced the pair, but I knew the reality. He wanted into those bags, and badly. The dollar signs flashed above him.
    “Let me and my man here help you get these bags into your car then.” Hulk grabbed three himself and left the remaining two for the others to collect.
    “Shit... They're goddamn heavy!” Complained Ez. “I might have to start hitting the gym.”
    They quickly had the bags shut securely in the trunk.
    Hulk patted Jerome on his shoulder. “What's the plan now, Mr Young? You staying around down here tonight or getting back on the road?”
    “Staying overnight. Got some fun up here planned with with my boy, Ez there. I'm not gonna miss it. They tell me I've got a deadline for tomorrow evening up in Midnight.”
    “Yeah, prez. I'm gonna show him the club. We ain't seen each other in time,” Ez belted back to us while jogging to open the gate.
    Hulk took a seat on his massive Harley and thoughtfully spoke. “To tell you the truth, I'd prefer it if you headed up the interstate now. There's a lot of merchandise in there, kid. But... If Vendrell said that's your deadline then that's his business.”
    “He did,” Jerome gruffly replied. “What he said. Heard it with my own ears.”
    “Make sure you send him my regards.” He turned to Ez and stated, “Treat the pair of them to a good night.”
    “You know it boss. I'm the best

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