Forgotten Self (Forgotten Self #1)

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Book: Forgotten Self (Forgotten Self #1) by Rachel Carr Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Carr
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This all feels very rehearsed, like we've done it before. I almost know what he's going to say before he says it. “Angels don't usually have guardian angels. But for your time here, yes, I suppose I am.”
    “ And something's trying to get me, isn't it.” Not a question. I just want confirmation.
    It's a minute before he answers . “I'm afraid so.”
    “ Why?” But he's quiet once more, so I try, “How did my car end up normal? I mean, there was nothing to suggest anything happened.”
    “ I'm an angel,” he says simply.
    On impulse, I roll my eyes. “Okay, all-powerful Jonathan.” Then I change t he subject. “Tell me more about me before I was...well, here.” His eyes light up. Oh, great. We probably had a 'thing'. Not that that would be so bad, it would just be weird right now. But not then. Or maybe it was. Oh, whatever.
    “ You were really, really g ood at your calling. Helping ease people from one journey to the next – it was your gift. Which isn't unusual in itself. I mean, you were made to be an angel of Death, but you just had a special touch...for whatever reason.” I know he has more to say – 'wh atever reason' obviously means 'I'm not telling you this part yet.' “But -” Here he falters for a moment. “Some angels started some problems. You tried to stop them. It was...this is the result.”
    I purse my lips, feeling that he won't go further with that line of thought. “So where do you come in?”
    “ Well, that's an interesting story. We've always known each other, of course. Ever since we were created. But you and I didn't start working together 'til around the birth of Jesus Christ.”
    Two thousand years ag o? I didn't even want to know when we'd been 'created.'
    “ Uh-huh. Jesus' time, got it. So why were an angel of Death and a guardian angel working together?” I lower my voice as if sharing a secret. “It seems a little counter-intuitive.”
    “ We shared a common goal.” His lips set in a firm line and he says nothing more.
    I sigh and lean back into the soft couch, terminating the intense staring contest we've been having. “You are one of the most obstinate people I've ever known.”
    Jonathan doesn't smile. “So I've heard many, many times.”
    From me? I raise my eyebrows. It's weird to hear things like this about myself that I have no recollection of. This relationship of ours, whatever kind it was, must have been quite serious. I can see it in his eyes.
    I realize somet hing. “Jonathan, those people in black. The ones I keep seeing. The ones who tried t o kill me in the car accident. Those are demons, aren't they?”
    “ Yes. Th ey are here for you.”
    “ Why?” Fear pings through my chest.
    He frowns – and the clincher – clears his t hroat softly. “As an angel living as a human on Earth, you are very vulnerable. And very valuable.”
    What are you leaving out, Jonathan?
    “ You're here for me, right? You're here to make sure nothing bad happens – like those demons. Those demons...who are he re for me.” I take his silence as confirmation. “I know you care about me, Jonathan. I care about you too. I can feel, somewhere in the back of my mind, that we have been together a long time. I felt that way when I first met you in...this life.  Third gra de, remember?”
    His expression relaxes and he genuinely laughs. “I remember. You threw a crayon at my head.”
    “ You tried to sit in my seat,” I accuse. “And by the way, if you've been here ever since I have, why didn't I meet you 'til third grade? Where were you?”
    “ Around.” He shrugs. “I eventually decided that being involved in your life would help me better protect you.”
    “ Right, okay...So what I was going say was that if we've been working together so long, we must have made a great team. And two people can only be a team if they tell each other the truth. Me being in the dark isn't going to help. I need to know all of what's going on.” I almost cross my fingers, hoping this

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