Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11)

Read Online Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11) by D. H. Sidebottom - Free Book Online

Book: Forbidden Pleasures (NSC Industries Book 11) by D. H. Sidebottom Read Free Book Online
Authors: D. H. Sidebottom
He was brooding, his mood suddenly dark and troubling. I
watched him for a while before I slowly pushed back my own chair, placed my
empty glass on the counter then went up to the room I had been designated and
climbed under the duvet.

Chapter 12

    I shot upright when a scream detonated around the house,
the sound ricocheting around my numb skull. It was dark and my eyes blinked
rapidly as I scrambled out of bed when another lit the air. “Fuck!”
    I hopped down the hallway as I pulled on my shorts and
burst into Beatrice’s room. My eyes volleyed around the room, my focus zeroing
in on every dark corner but finally they settled on a thrashing and sweating
Bea, her body twisted under the sheet as she writhed and sobbed.
    “Bea.” I rushed over to her, my fingers curling around
her upper arms as I tried to stop her fighting with her nightmare. “Bea, it’s
    Her eyes snapped open and for a brief moment the terror
reflected in her eyes made my heart stop. I could see the echo of her tortured
sleep and I swallowed back the pain and anger as I pulled her across onto my
lap. “Hey, shush,” I whispered as I wrapped my arms around her protectively and
her body shook furiously, the tears from her dream flowing from her chin. “It’s
okay, just a dream.”
    “Just a dream,” she hiccupped as she sank into my body
and allowed me to comfort her. “Just a dream. He’s not here.”
    “He’s not here Bea, I promise.”
    She nodded madly as she slipped her own arms around me
and held on as if her life depended on it. She quietened, her hiccups slowing
and her tears drying but she still grasped onto me tightly. The material of the
t-shirt I had left her out to sleep in was drenched and stuck to her clammy
skin but as she slipped her bare leg over mine when I settled back onto the
headboard and gently laid her head on my chest I had to grit my teeth and will my
cock to go back to sleep.
    We lay silent for a while, the only sound Bea’s faint
weeps and my heavy breathing but the quiet was welcomed and easy as we both
slipped into our own minds.
    “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked gently, not
wanting to scare her but if she needed to get it out I wanted her to know I was
there to listen.
    She shook her head. “No.”
    I nodded but it angered me slightly. I knew she never
spoke of what happened. I knew she kept it locked away inside her and it was
rotting away, poisoning her soul and grieving her spirit.
    Suddenly she moved away and climbed off the bed. The
silhouette of her body in front of the window was mesmerising in the moonlight.
My heart rate shifted gear when her fingers gripped the hem of the t-shirt and
she pulled it over her head, her long blonde hair falling back down onto the
curve of her collarbone.
    “Beatrice,” I warned on a breath, willing my eyes to stay
on her face.
    “I want to forget,” she whispered, “Help me forget, Jay.”
    Oh Christ. My good intentions were swiftly flying out of
the window when her body called for my gaze and I lost the fight not to look.
She was perfect, her tits juicy and plump, her stomach slightly rounded and her
hips wide. Her thighs were tight and smooth and her tiny legs were the perfect
shape. Her pussy had a trim strip of hair that glistened with her arousal and I
licked my lips hungrily.
    I moved as if in a haze, my feet carrying me across the
carpet to her mechanically. She stood still, her eyes on mine in the dim light
as I lifted both hands to her face and cupped both of her damp cheeks. “Don’t
make me do this, Beatrice. Please. I can’t do this. I don’t want to hurt you.”
    She cleared her throat, her nerves evident as her
expression turned to sadness. “Is it because I’m… no good?”
    Jesus Christ! “No,” I urged quickly. “NO! Not at all.
You’re perfect, and I know how fucking wonderful you will feel with me but it’s
me who’s no good. I don’t make love Bea, I am not the gentle lover that

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