For My Brother
his mouse, until he came to a specific frame on the cameras. “Okay, what are we looking for?”
    Jason took a quick glance at his notes. “Nineteen-ninety-five Chevy Cavalier.”
    Burns started clicking a button, and with each click, a new image showed. Nina saw it first.
    Jason agreed that had to be the car. “That’s it. Can you blow it up?”
    “Some, but I’m limited.”
    The picture zoomed in. The vehicle was driving away, and was at least a hundred feet past the camera when the shot was taken.
    They couldn’t see Chelsea, but there was a clear image of a man in the back seat. Nina said what both detectives were thinking.
    “She was stalked. He was waiting outside and ambushed her before the drive home.”
    Jason just stared at the image. This confirmed his suspicions that both their missing persons were likely chosen and hunted. But more importantly, they didn’t know if this man had more targets.
    He stood and shook hands with Jack Burns.
    “Can you print me a copy of the photo?”
    “Sure.” Jack punched some more keys. “Be back in a minute.”
    When Burns left the office, Jason turned to Nina.
    “The best connection we have between the victims is the phone number from the high school. We need to go there next.”
    The DOT official returned with the photo, and the detectives headed for their car.

    Chapter 11
    Suzanne finished folding the load of towels and went to the kitchen. The Red Bull was wearing off, and she decided it was time to relax with some TV. She got some ice from the fridge, poured herself a Diet Pepsi, and just as she was about to sit down, the doorbell rang.
    Tizzy raced to the door and started her incessant barking, which announced every visitor’s arrival.
    “Tizzy! Shush! Tizzy!”
    Suzanne opened the door to find her walk-in customer from earlier standing there. She raised her eyebrows in surprise.
    “Oh, hi. Can I help you?”
    “Hi. I don’t know if you remember me, but I was in your shop today.”
    “Of course. Donnie, isn’t it? Is there something wrong?”
    “Well, in an odd coincidence, I stopped at the Quikstop a while ago and…”
    Tizzy was going nuts, barking and baring her teeth at the stranger.
    “Tizzy, shush. That’s enough!”
    “…Anyway, I found your address book lying next to the gas pumps. I live just around the corner, so I thought I’d bring it to you.”
    “Oh, that’s wonderful. I was looking all over for it.”
    Tizzy kept at it, barking, and threatening to charge the man, despite her tiny size.
    “Tizzy! Excuse me while I lock her in the bedroom.”
    Suzanne scooped up the dog, walked to the bedroom, put the dog in the room, and shut the door. When she turned around, the man was standing in the middle of the living room, a gun pointed at her.
    “Don’t scream, or I’ll shoot you where you stand.”
    Jason and Nina took I-35 south to Military Trail, over to Commercial Ave, and then south to Formosa. Even though Jason knew where the school was, Nina was giving him directions.
    “Okay, the school’s just a block that way.”
    “Detective, I think you’re kinda excited to be going back to your old school.”
    Nina saw she was exposed and laughed.
    “Yeah, I guess. My years at McCollum High were good ones. And unlike like you, my high school years weren’t two decades ago!”
    “Ouch! You’re brutal.”
    They stopped in front of the office and got out. Nina scanned the collection of buildings. “Hasn’t changed much.”
    “Lead the way, ex-alum.”
    They walked up the sidewalk to a set of double doors and found them un-locked. School was out for the summer, so basic staff and maintenance would be the only people there.
    They came in out of the heat, and Jason removed his sunglasses. The office was immediately on the right, and through a large glass window, they could see a collection of desks. No one appeared to be there, so Jason stuck his head through the office

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