For My Brother
turned the corner and pulled in behind the small strip plaza. Cuffed in the backseat of her own car was Suzanne Cooper. The van was waiting for him, and he transferred his captive to it, putting a hood over her head once she was inside.
    The plaza sat about a mile from Suzanne’s house, and Donnie had walked to get her. He would leave her car here and take her to the farm.
    Donnie put the hoods over his captives’ heads to protect the location of his home. He didn’t want them to know where they’d been, if they survived.
    He started the van and drove out from behind the plaza. Twenty minutes and he’d be home with only one remaining task in the first phase.
    Suzanne lay as still as she could. She was trying to trace in her mind where they were going. She knew they’d gone to the plaza near her house, but after only a few minutes, she realized it was hopeless. She didn’t even know what direction they were headed.
    She struggled to grasp what was happening. Time had ceased to exist, and her mind reeled with possibilities of what waited when the van stopped. She wanted out of the hood and the darkness it brought, but she was terrified of what she might see at the end of their trip.
    She didn’t know how long they had been driving, but she felt the van slow and make a hard turn onto a gravel road. She could hear the dirt and rock kicking up beneath her. After just a moment or two, the van ceased moving and the engine sputtered to silence.
    She heard the driver’s door open, then the van’s side door slid open. Her captor grabbed her by the feet to drag her out, but she kicked wildly. He let go. Next to her ear came the distinct sound of a gun being cocked.
    Her heart stopped. “No, no. I’m sorry. I’ll get out.”
    Again, she felt the tug on her feet, but this time she didn’t resist. When her knees were past the edge of the door, he took her by the shoulders, and stood her up.
    “Walk slowly, I’ll guide you. Don’t do anything stupid, and you won’t be hurt.”
    It took all the strength she could muster just to nod her head once.
    They walked a short distance and then up a couple steps. She heard a door open and sensed they had moved indoors. The hood came off.
    She blinked at the brightness, trying to focus, and found the man staring at her.
    “Please don’t hurt me. What did I do? Why are you doing this?”
    He ignored her and pointed the gun toward the basement steps. She didn’t move. Again, he pulled the hammer back on the gun.
    She willed herself to move slowly toward the stairs and down into the basement. What greeted her was shocking.
    A small prison with four doors, two of which had padlocks on them. She could smell urine and it made her gag.
    “In there.”
    She began to cry and turned toward him.
    “Please don’t do this.”
    He got behind her, grabbed the cuffs around her wrist, and forced her to follow him backward into the cell. Pushing her to the floor, he looped and padlocked a chain around her leg before removing her original restraints. The door shut and a lock snapped. His steps retreated up the stairs, then nothing, just quiet.
    “Who are you?”
    A female voice from the next cell broke the silence, startling Suzanne. She leaned as close to the wall as she could.
    “Suzanne. Who are you?”
    “Chelsea. The man next to me is Ed. Do you know why he brought you here?”
    “No. I was at home, and next thing I know, I’m in a van with a hood on my head. Do you?”
    Suzanne could hear Chelsea start to sob.
    “No. He won’t tell us.”
    “How long have you been here?”
    “A couple days. Ed’s been here four.”
    “Has he hurt either of you?”
    “No. Not yet.”
    Suzanne heard a man’s voice from the far cell.
    “What did you say you’re name is?”
    “Suzanne what?”
    “Suzanne Cooper.”
    “Is that your maiden name?”
    “Yes, why?”
    Ed ignored the question.
    “Chelsea, is Morris your maiden name?”
    Chelsea tried to stop

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